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My God, I though you
送交者: mingcheng99 2016月04月13日21:11:23 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话
回  答: My daughter got in Socal 于 2016-04-13 20:39:04

 My God, I though you are just a little girl.  SJSC is the second best school of Cal state.  Cal Poly is the best one that needs almost un-weighted 4.0 to get in.  there is a lot of alumni of SJSC in the valley, so landing a job there is not a problem.  Best wishes to her.

if you avoid CS major when you apply,  UCLA, or even CAL will be a lot of easier to get in. 

  Thanks for the commend , it's - Socal 04/13/16 (256)
  I thought /无内容 - mingcheng99 04/13/16 (217)
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