奧把嗎, 看你還能有幾天! |
送交者: NoWorry 2008年04月30日14:30:56 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話 |
奧把嗎, 看你還能有幾天! 美國總統大選熱火朝天,紛紛揚揚,群情振奮,個個摩拳擦掌。 It is too late for Obama try his best to denounce Wright. Who this Wright is? Wright believes that America creates AID to kill minorities. He believes it years ago and he still believes it now. Wright ????s America without an apology, without an apology even now. This Wright is crazy. Come on, Obama. How can you trust this Wright and only try to denounce him now? Are you a fool or Americans are fools? Please don’t tell me that Wright is Wright, and Obama is Obama. What Wright says has nothing to do with Obama. You two are different. It is not that simple. You two are life time close friends of like godfather and son. Wright is Obama’s uncle and his spiritual father as Obama said before. Obama is gone. He is dead for his presidential campaign, if not dead for his entire political career. |
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