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送交者: 北美自然資源協會 2008年12月26日10:59:30 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話
全球礦業勘探開發年度會議(PADC)開始報名,中國企業可以參加 全球礦業勘探開發年度會議(PADC)開始報名,中國企業可以參加 中國國土資源部何冶金部派團參加 將於 2009年3月1-4號在多倫多舉行 Prospectors and Developers Annual Convention (PDAC), Toronto , ON March 1- 4, 2009 礦業勘探開發年度會議(PADC),多倫多 , 時間: 2009年3月1號-4號 Labeled as the world’s top convention in global mineral exploration, investment, financing & technology, the PDAC in 2008 attracted over 20,000 delegates from over 80 countries. It boasts over 200,000 square feet of exhibit space and over 1000 exhibitors. 被譽為全球性礦業勘探投資類最頂級的會議(2009年度PDAC會議)將在2009年3月舉行。本會議曾於2008年充吸引了來自80多個國家的2萬多人的代表團。本會議屆時將有超過 二十萬平方英尺 的展位及1000位參展者。 PDAC Background The PDAC Annual Convention serves the mineral exploration and development sectors of the Canadian mining industry and has been hosted at the Royal York since 1932. It has made its mark by a unique formula, which brings together the financing and deal-making knowledge and the service and supply elements of the exploration and mine development sector. success of this convention, together with the current strength of the global mining industry and the marketing efforts by the Association has resulted in a dramatic increase in interest. With well over 18,000 attendees projected for the 2009 event, the PDAC convention has evolved into the largest annual convention in Toronto and the largest annual mineral related convention in the world. PDAC背景: PDAC年度會議致力服務於加拿大礦業勘探開發領域,自1932年開始在皇家約克舉行。本會議以其獨到的方式,集合了融資和交易專業知識經驗及服務,並介紹相關礦業勘探開發的服務及供應行業。 會議的成功意味着當前全球對礦業行業的極度關注及協會的市場推廣都有了極大的提高。18000個參展者表現出在2009年度的盛況,PDAC會議成為了多倫多最大型的年度會議,也是全球最大型年度礦業相關的會議。 MNDM Participation 安省政府北部發展礦業部將參與此會 The Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines has participated in the PDAC convention for many years. Ministry staff has attended the conference as delegates, technical speakers and as ambassadors for the Ontario government at MNDM booths and displays. In recent years, the Ministry has developed a new format to highlight its participation. MNDM’s partnership theme involves participation from all sectors of the mining and exploration sectors throughout Ontario . The presence of economic development groups, mining and exploration companies, prospecting associations, universities and service and supply companies produces an excellent venue for showcasing the true value and high potential of Ontario 's mining sector. The result of these partnership efforts has proven very successful from everyone’s perspective as many partners are planning to participate again this year. The MNDM has secured prime exhibit space for the “Ontario Pavilion” at the Metro Toronto Convention Center , where it will again showcase the numerous benefits and opportunities available for mineral development in the province. 安省北部發展礦業部已參與PDAC會議多年,其部門官員亦以代表團/技術專家/安省政府大使的身份出席,他們有自已的展位。近些年來,該部門更以新的格局出現來突出它的參與。 安 省北部發展礦業部MNDM的參與主題包攬了整個安省的礦業勘探開發領域,經濟學專家,礦業開發公司,勘探機構,大學及服務供應行業等優秀人士聚集一堂充分 體現了安省礦產業的真正的價值和高深潛力。很多合作者在今年再次參與,這一合作成本身就證明了每一個合作者的前景, MNDM在大多倫多會議中心在展覽保留有“安省陳列位”,這個展位將再次陳列本省礦業發展的巨大商機。 ---------------------------------------------------- North American Nature Resource Association 北美自然資源協會 地址: 7100 Woodbine Ave., Suite 110, Markham ON L3R 5J2 Canada 聯繫:電話:(905)415-9521 傳真:(905)415-1750 網站: www.royalmont.ca 電郵:nanra68@yahoo.ca
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