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送交者: 走四方 2009年04月28日01:01:39 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話
關於豬流感,希望大家重視,因為WHO也不很了解這個病毒。z 1. 此次豬流感病毒有些什麼特別? a. 死亡人群集中於25-45歲的壯年人,這被鍾南山院士解釋為是該人群抵抗力較強,對病毒作出過強反映,使得最終身體透支…… b. 此次豬流感病毒爆發迅速傳播廣泛,從第一例到現在2個星期不到,已經死了上百人(集中在墨西哥)。 c. 此次病毒的基因片段攜帶較多多: "•HA: SequenceName: 2009712049_seg4 Length: 1701 Isolate: A/California/04/2009 • NA: SequenceID: EPI176472 SequenceName: 2009712049_seg6 Length: 1410 Isolate: A/California/04/2009 • M: SequenceID: EPI176471 SequenceName: 2009712049_seg7 Length: 972 Isolate: A/California/04/2009 • PB2: SequenceID: EPI176486 SequenceName: 2009712049_1 Length: 2280 Segment: PB2 1 http:// …. Link to the first document on web please 2 http://www.gisaid.org Proteins: N/A Isolate: A/California/04/2009 • PB1: SequenceID: EPI176485 SequenceID: 2009712049_2 Length: 2274 Segment: PB1 Proteins: N/A Isolate: A/California/04/2009 • PA: SequenceID: EPI176484 SequenceName: 2009712049_3 Length: 2151 Segment: PA Proteins: PA (716aa) Isolate: A/California/04/2009 • NP: SequenceID: EPI176482 SequenceName: 2009712049_5 Length: 1497 Segment: NP Proteins: N/A Isolate: A/California/04/2009 • NS: SequenceID: EPI176483 SequenceName: 2009712049_8 Length: 838 Segment: NS Proteins: N/A Isolate: A/California/04/2009"(WHO. 2009. Viral gene sequences to assist update diagnostics for swine influenza A(H1N1)) 2. 為什麼此次豬流感病毒有很多不同類型的流感病毒的基因段呢?世界衛生組織(WHO)的解釋為: ”Sometimes pigs can be infected with more than one virus type at a time, which can allow the genes from these viruses to mix. This can result in an influenza virus containing genes from a number of sources, called a "reassortant" virus.“(WHO. 2009. Swine influenza frequently asked questions.) 我不知道對不對,我反而覺得是人造病毒。 3.對人類健康的影響? "the true extent of this disease among humans is unknown"(WHO. 2009. Swine influenza frequently asked questions.) 這個答案很搞笑啊。 4. 人類如何感染上豬流感病毒? “People usually get swine influenza from infected pigs, however, some human cases lack contact history with pigs or environments where pigs have been located. Human-to-human transmission has occurred in some instances but was limited to close contacts and closed groups of people”(WHO. 2009. Swine influenza frequently asked questions.) 看來WHO對這個病很不了解啊,╮(╯_╰)╭。 5. 吃豬肉安全嗎? 很安全。只要加工的熟了就好了(cooking temperatures of 160°F/70°C)。 6. 有疫苗嗎? 暫時沒有。 7. 什麼藥可以用來治療豬流感? “There are two classes of such medicines, 1) adamantanes (amantadine and remantadine), and 2) inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase (oseltamivir and zanamivir).” 看不懂,到時候得了醫生會知道的。 8.如何保護自己? a. 遠離不舒服的,有發熱症狀,咳嗽症狀的人。 b. 經常使用清潔劑洗手。 c. 認真睡覺,認真吃飯,鍛煉身體。 9. 自己覺得得了豬流感怎麼辦? What should I do if I think I have swine influenza? If you feel unwell, have high fever, cough and/or sore throat: • Stay at home and keep away from work, school or crowds as much as possible. • Rest and take plenty of fluids. • Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when coughing and sneezing and dispose of the used tissues properly. • Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly, especially after coughing or sneezing. • Inform family and friends about your illness and seek help for household chores that require contact with other people such as shopping. If you need medical attention: • Contact your doctor or healthcare provider before travelling to see them and report your symptoms. Explain why you think you have swine influenza (for example, if you have recently travelled to a country where there is a swine influenza outbreak in humans). Follow the advice given to you for care. • If it is not possible to contact your healthcare provider in advance, communicate your suspicion of having swine influenza immediately upon arrival at the healthcare facility. • Take care to cover your nose and mouth during travel."(WHO. 2009. Swine influenza frequently asked questions.) www. Reference WHO. 2009. Viral gene sequences to assist update diagnostics for swine influenza A(H1N1). Retrieved on 26 April, 2009 at http://www.who.int/csr/disease/swineflu/swineflu_genesequences_20090425.pdf www. WHO. 2009.Swine influenza frequently asked questions.Retrieved on 26 April, 2009 at http://www.who.int/csr/swine_flu/swine_flu_faq.pdf
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