2012美國最差職業榜:媒體工作者相當悲催 |
送交者: 金歌 2012年04月18日23:53:24 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話 |
總有那麼些時候,我們都覺得自己的職業是世界上最糟糕的。但當你真的用數據來分析比較每個職業的各個方面時,毫無疑問,那些好職業和壞職業之間的差別十分明顯。 Physical labor, declining job opportunities, a poor work environment and high stress are all pervasive attributes among those jobs that comprise our 2012 Worst Jobs List. 入選2012最差職業榜的職業都有這些共同特點:體力勞動量大,工作機會日益減少,工作環境糟糕而且工作壓力巨大。 For the first time ever, two different media jobs made our Worst Jobs list: Newspaper Reporter and Broadcaster. As the digital world continues to take over and provide on-demand information, the need for print newspapers and daily newscasts is diminishing. To be sure, both jobs once seemed glamorous, but on-the-job stress, declining job opportunities and income levels are what landed them on our Worst Jobs list. 今年有兩個媒體類職業首次上榜:報社記者和播音員。網絡數字世界日益普及,提供的即時信息也越來越多,社會對於報紙和廣播的需求正在逐漸減小。可以肯定的是,這兩種職業曾經輝煌過,但巨大的工作壓力、日益減少的工作機會和不斷下降的工資水平還是讓它們登上了我們的最差職業榜。 Other new additions to this year’s Worst Jobs list include Enlisted Military Soldier, Waiter/Waitress, Dishwasher and Butcher. The complete bottom 10 this year in order are: 今年其他新上榜的最差職業還包括入伍士兵、服務員、洗碗工和屠夫。完整的10大最差職業榜單排名如下: 200. Lumberjack 伐木工人 Fells, cuts, and transports timber to be processed into lumber, paper, and other wood products. 將用於製造木材、紙張和其他木製品的樹木伐倒、切割並運輸。 199. Dairy Farmer 奶農 Directs and takes part in activities involved in the raising of cattle for milk production. 指導並參與奶牛飼養的相關活動。 198. Enlisted Military Soldier 入伍士兵 From serving food in the mess hall to fighting a battle on the front line to avoiding land mines along the path to a village, the duties a soldier carries out have very different levels of responsibility. 從給食堂準備食物到上前線打仗,再到鄉村小道上排除地雷,士兵執行的任務涉及到不同層面的責任。 197. Oil Rig Worker 石油鑽塔工 Performs routine physical labor and maintenance on oil rigs and pipelines, both on and off shore. 在岸邊和海面上對石油鑽井和石油管道進行日常施工和維護。 196. Reporter (Newspaper) 記者(報社記者) Covers newsworthy events for newspapers, magazines, and television news programs. 為報紙、雜誌和電視新聞節目進行新聞事件的報道。 195. Waiter/Waitress 餐廳服務員 Takes customer orders, serves food and drink, and prepares meal checks. 為顧客點餐、上菜並準備賬單。 194. Meter Reader 抄表員 Monitors public utility meters, and records volume of consumption by customers. 監測公用設施的儀表,並記錄用戶的消費量。 193. Dishwasher 洗碗工 Cleans the plates, glasses and silverware used by patrons of an eating establishment, and the pots, pans and cooking utensils used by chefs. 清洗餐廳顧客使用過的盤子、玻璃杯和鍍銀餐具,以及廚師使用過的壺、平底鍋和其他炊具。 192. Butcher 屠夫 Prepares meat for sale to distributors, supermarket customers, and other consumers. 為分銷商、超市顧客和其他顧客準備待售的肉製品。 191. Broadcaster 播音員 Prepares and delivers news and related presentations over the air on radio and television. 為廣播和電視準備並播送新聞以及相關的報道。 |
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一周點擊熱帖 | 更多>> |
一周回復熱帖 |
歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2009: | 西方鼓吹“中國經濟能夠拯救世界”另有 | |
2009: | 和採訪對象爭論是嶄新的“新聞報道”方 | |
2007: | 滿地英雄 | |
2007: | 詩化美文-- 寄語櫻花 | |