盘点:美国历史上最囧的30条法律 |
送交者: 金歌 2011年10月12日23:38:43 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话 |
1.North Carolina It’s against the law to sing off-key. 唱歌走音是非法的(大家都别唱了╮(╯▽╰)╭) 2.Arizona Cutting down a cactus may earn you a twenty-five-year prison term. 砍下一棵仙人球可让你坐25年牢 (史上最贵仙人球?) 3.Arkansas It’s illegal to mispronounce the name of the state of Arkansas. 把阿肯色州的名字念错是犯法的。。。(我曾经念错过,幸好不是在阿州的地盘上) 4.California You may not eat an orange in your bathtub. 不可以在澡盆里吃橘子 5.Colorado It’s unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next-door neighbor (Denver). 将你家的吸尘器借给隔壁邻居是非法的 (丹佛) 6.Connecticut A pickle cannot actually be a pickle unless it bounces. 只有有弹性的腌菜才是腌菜(?) 7.Delaware It’s illegal to get married on a dare. 因为受到挑战而结婚是非法的 (?) 8.Washington, D.C. It’s against the law to post a public notice calling someone a coward for refusing to accept a challenge to duel. 因某人拒绝接受一项决斗而在大庭广众下称呼某人是懦夫是违法的。 9.Georgia It’s illegal to change the clothes on a storefront mannequin unless you draw the shades first. 给前店的人体模特儿换衣服时必须有遮挡,否则违法。 10.Hawaii All residents may be fined for not owning a boat. 没船就得挨罚? 11.Illinois It’s illegal to take a French poodle to the opera (Chicago). 带法国波特尔犬去歌剧院非法 12.Indiana The value of pi is 4, and not 3.1415. π值是4而不是3.1415 (=_,=|||) 13.Iowa One-armed piano players must perform for free. 单手弹钢琴者必须免费演出。(如果是残疾人,可以视作歧视吗?) 14.Kansas It’s illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits (Natoma). 朝穿条纹西装的人扔小刀是非法的(难道朝其他人飞刀不犯法?) 15.Kentucky Every citizen is required to take a shower once a year. 每位公民每年必须洗一次澡 16.Nebraska Bar owners may not sell beer unless they brew a kettle of soup simultaneously. 酒吧不能卖酒除非他们同时又煮了一桶汤。 17.Nevada It’s illegal for men with mustaches to kiss women. 留小胡子的男人不能亲吻妇女。 18.New Jersey It’s against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season. 在渔汛期男人不可以织网(?) 19.New Mexico Females may not appear unshaven in public. 女性不可以未修面就出现在公共场合。 20.New York While riding in an elevator, you must talk to no one, fold your hands, and look toward the door. 步入电梯,你不能和人说话,必须交叠双手、直视门口。(原来那么多人都违法了) 21.North Dakota It’s illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on. 穿鞋子躺倒睡觉时非法的。。。 22.Ohio You must honk the horn whenever you pass another car, according to the state’s driver’s education manual. 根据本州司机的教育手册,你每超过一辆汽车就必须摁一次喇叭 23.Oklahoma It’s forbidden to take a bite out of another person’s hamburger. 禁止咬另一个人的汉堡一口(囧囧有神) 24.Oregon State law requires dishes to be drip-dried. 本州法律要求盘子必须滴水滴干(?) 25.Pennsylvania It’s illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors. 睡在冰箱外门上方是非法的(谁能告诉俺怎么睡?) 26.Rhode Island You may not bite off another person’s leg. 不准咬掉另一个人的腿 (谁的牙有那么厉害?) 27.South Carolina If a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, he is required by law to keep his promise. 如果一个男人向一名未婚妇女承诺娶她,他就必须按照法律遵守诺言。(广大未婚女性的福音啊) 28.South Dakota It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory. 在奶酪工厂躺倒睡觉是非法的。 29.Texas You may not shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel. 你不可以从旅馆的二楼射杀水牛。(o(╯□╰)o) 30.Utah It is illegal not to drink milk. 不喝牛奶非法。(OMG) |
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