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進化過程可能是真的 - 據說前後真有幾萬年!
送交者: 萬尊 2008月09月08日13:10:59 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話
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Some males started showing a set of human characteristics long before those characteristics became prevalent across both sexes. However, those characteristics appeared and disappeared over and over again for tens of thousands of years.

Later, when females started to show the same characteristics, such characteristics became stable and within a relatively short period of time, both men and women have acquired the same, and they never disappeared again.

Today, with the general breakdown of human marriages, I suspect something else is going on.
  打倒萬蝶,做標本!!!!! - 風麗 09/08/08 (174)
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