英譯史上最壯麗敗寇詩歌《項羽 垓下歌》 |
送交者: 豌博 2016年01月04日12:59:48 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話 |
English Translation of Historically Leading Loser's Magnificent Poetry by Xiang Yu "Melodies off the Battle Ground"
Mighty me can erase mountains enforcing all to tame;
It's just not my time and not a loyal horse to blame.
My dear horse not parting but what difference it makes,
Yu Yu my beloved beauty we just can't change the game.
實用資訊 | |
一周點擊熱帖 | 更多>> |
一周回復熱帖 |
歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2015: | 全格譜十六字令(12首).十二生肖--平 | |
2015: | 多倫多的大雪天 | |
2014: | 龍風體.五言詩(12句).屈原頌—GEORGES | |
2014: | 賞析風月兄之【冬梅】 | |
2013: | 美西海岸雜感新年 | |
2013: | [五律] 感悟 (兼和詩友阿妞不牛/東 | |
2012: | 【七律】過漢堡夜雨感懷 | |
2012: | 七律:道 | |
2011: | 【八聲甘州】夕陽 | |
2011: | 你的鈴聲是我的心跳 | |