鷗菲爾小鎮 丹尼爾奧康奈爾大橋 |
送交者: 杭州阿立 2024年07月13日09:30:18 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話 |
鷗菲爾小鎮 丹尼爾奧康奈爾大橋 --2024新西蘭遊記73,南島10日游54 杭州阿立 2024年7月13日 書接上集《克萊德小鎮 紅橋網紅只有芸知道》: https://bbs.creaders.net/poem/bbsviewer.php?trd_id=1687731 告別克萊德小鎮,下一站何處? 只有天舒哥知道:“前面是鷗菲爾小鎮(Ophir),值得去看看。” 天舒哥掌舵,先不進村(進鎮),在村口的古舊大橋前停下車來。 天舒哥:“這橋可比克萊德的電影紅橋有名多了,真正有歷史的舊橋。好萊塢電影也有在此拍攝的。” 歷史古橋,不能偷懶遠遠的拍了,必須近前拍真相。 丹尼爾奧康奈爾大橋(Daniel O'Connell Bridge): 一路荒涼,此刻居然有車通過: 阿立註:這橋是單行道。兩邊都有車時,遲到的一方必須禮讓、耐心等待。 到此一游: 大橋1880年5月啟用: 天舒哥:“橋對面拍過來效果更好。” 跟着天舒哥過橋: 天舒哥拍小紅: 阿立放哨: 阿立註:這是以防萬一。若前方來車了,阿立得火急雞毛信,‘鬼子進村嘍!’要不天舒哥看小紅目不轉睛,後防空虛就不好玩了。 如上圖所示,兩邊的斜壁石頭嶙峋,雖不能說天險,卻也不是輕鬆能爬上去的。 天舒哥:“阿立兄敢不敢爬上去?上面拍這橋才真好看。” 此時儘管腿肚子發軟、心裡打鼓,嘴上豈肯認輸? 爬! 手腳並用,天舒哥在後面護航,萬一掉下去阿立後防也不能空虛,對吧? 終於爬上去了! 天舒哥:“阿立兄儘量往前走,但別勉強。走到哪算哪,總比下面拍起來好看。” 戰戰兢兢、哆哆嗦嗦,沒敢走到石崖邊,手機趕緊拍一張! 果然威武: 阿立補記: 依稀記得天舒哥說的好萊塢大片是《孤獨的星球》。事後問谷哥,卻找不到《Lonely Planet》這片子,出來的反而是個澳大利亞的旅遊指南書出版商。 星球孤不孤獨由得它了,找到另一個好萊塢大片:《狗的威力》(The Power of the Dog): 獲得2022年奧斯卡12項提名的2021年大片《狗的威力》,雖然說的是米國西部(蒙大拿)的故事,卻主要是在新西蘭南島的中奧塔哥(central Otago)拍攝的,包括鷗菲爾小鎮。可惜這大片奧斯卡提名雖多多,獲得奧斯卡獎的只有一個:最佳導演獎(Best Director)。11項提名落選平了奧斯卡記錄(前大敗記錄保持者是1967年的電影《The Graduate》)。 獲最佳導演獎的是新西蘭著名導演簡.坎皮恩(Jane Campion)。她是歷史上唯一一位獲得兩次奧斯卡最佳導演提名的女導演,上一次被提名是1993年的電影《鋼琴》(The Piano)。《鋼琴》雖沒有為坎皮恩贏得最佳導演獎,但讓她得了另一項奧斯卡獎:最佳原創劇本(Best Original Screenplay)。 關於丹尼爾奧康奈爾大橋,新西蘭文化遺產官網如此介紹(阿立懶得翻譯了): Crossing the Manuherikia River west of Ophir, the Daniel O’Connell Bridge is a single lane road bridge providing access to the small Central Otago settlement. Constructed between 1879 and 1880, this striking structure is a good example of Central Otago suspension bridge with schist masonry towers. The bridge has historical and technological significance. As was the case elsewhere in the region, gold was the reason many people originally came to Ophir, a town initially called Blacks. The residents campaigned for local services, including infrastructure such as roads and bridges. A bridge over the Manuherikia River was a high priority, and locals lobbied the Vincent County Council. Bridges were particularly important to communities in Central Otago as the landscape was crossed by major rivers – the Clutha, Kawarau and Manuherikia. Bridges provided links between communities and links to markets – improving communication and access. The lobbying came to fruition when in 1878 the Vincent County Engineer, Leslie Duncan Macgeorge (1854-1939), designed this 65.5-metre bridge, which was constructed by J. S. Derby and R. Edgar of Timaru. The cost of the bridge was approximately £7,000. At the opening of this structure in May 1880, the bridge was named after Irish hero, Daniel O’Connell (1775-1847). This was an appropriate and seemingly popular choice, because the bridge was located in an area heavily populated by Irish Catholic immigrants. The Daniel O’Connell Bridge is a single lane suspension bridge with schist masonry towers, one of several similar bridges that Macgeorge designed. It is four metres wide with a 65.5 metre span. The bridge has 10 suspension cables on each side, fed over the top of pairs of towers on either end. The northern approach to the structure is through a narrow cutting through rock. The cables are anchored into the rock. On the Omakau side of the river the cables are anchored into masonry that is visible above ground. Like many of its contemporaries, by the early twentieth century the bridge’s timber transoms and stiffening truss had degraded. Watson Rhodes and Company replaced the timber transoms with steel equivalents in 1905. There has been little further alteration to the structure since, aside from several replacements of the timber deck. The Daniel O’Connell Bridge is a handsome and popular local landmark. It has some engineering importance as an example of the vernacular form of late nineteenth century Central Otago bridge that notable engineer Macgeorge excelled in designing. In 2015, the Daniel O’Connell Bridge remains a landmark structure, linking Ophir to the settlements on the west of the Manuherikia River. 欲知後事如何,請聽下回分解。 下集《鷗菲爾小鎮擺拍 無酒牛肉麵小白提神》: https://bbs.creaders.net/poem/bbsviewer.php?trd_id=1687993
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