曹兄两首五律的确有味道。试译一下第一首。 |
送交者: 贺兰山 2016年05月10日04:50:29 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话 |
A leaf in Autumn It is reluctant to go with the wind to anywhere , Being wrapped with spider silk and dust hanging in the air. Flawed and withered itself as the blowers through, It is hard to tell which is false which is true, Last night rain made the window wet and cold That still keeps the dark color as old. No one cares about a fallen leaf on the street,
It annoys pedestrians when sticking on the feet. |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2015: | 七律 读李商隐诗有感 | |
2015: | 咏蛙 四首(by 曹雪豆) | |
2014: | 【五律】 春燕 | |
2014: | 【ZT: 声韵启蒙】 | |
2013: | 骑驴折了腰 | |
2013: | [七律]无题 | |
2012: | 瓣与蕊 | |
2012: | 北极光 | |
2011: | 蜕变 | |
2011: | “記”“忘”之恩 | |