和叉鱼哥英译曹雪葵七绝《荷塘》 |
送交者: 豌博 2016年07月10日07:13:38 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话 |
喜读曹兄的悠境美诗,并欣赏叉鱼哥的天花妙缀译作,不禁闻鸡起舞,从不同角度和补一版新译,欢迎叉鱼哥和大家进一步润色。 荷塘 Lotus Pond A vast view of greens overlaying the lake ornamented with a pink beauty, screaming cicadas have screwed hearing and paused the harp's melody. For the monotone of a crow or prosody of ducks why shall the wind care, while hanging willow strands are swinging in leisure and aimless in the air. |
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