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送交者: zheng-ming 2021年05月08日22:18:34 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话



Song of A Traveling Son

by Meng Jiao


A needle between a loving mother’s fingers

Turns to the clothe of her son before his journey.

The sewing thread moves into dense and denser

For worrying about his return will be late and later.

How can the heart of an inch-sized grass repay

The brightness of the spring sun’s mercy?

tr. by Zhengming Fu

谨以孟郊《游子吟》新译告慰慈母在天之灵,2021年 5月9日母亲节发布





2013-9-15 12:36| 发布者: patrick| 查看: 6418| 评论: 0|来自: 英文巴士

摘要: 龚景浩等;孙大雨;任治稷、余正;张廷琛、魏博思;许渊冲;徐忠杰;唐一鹤;刘国善、王治江、徐树娟 等;Robert Kotewell & Norman Smith 译





For Her Son Who’ll Be Away for a While

Meng Jiao


Needle and thread in doting mother’s hand

Turn out garments for her son out to roam the land.

She puts in more stitches e’en as he leaves

And frets that his homecoming may be moved back.

Who says the tiny inch-tall blade of grass

Can e’er repay the warm sunshine of spring?


(龚景浩 译)


The Wandering Son’s Song


The thread from my dear mother’s hand

Was sewn in the clothes of her wandering son.

For fear of my belated return,

Before my leave they were closely woven.

Who says mine heart like a blade of grass

Could repay her love’s gentle beams of spring sun?


(孙大雨 译)


Chant of a Roaming Son


The thread in the mother’s hand,

The clothes worn by the wanderlust son.

The nearer the departure,

The closer the stitches sown,

Lest his return be further postponed.

Who said the grass blade of a heart

Could repay the glory of the late spring sun?


(任治稷、余正 译)


A Journeyer’s Song


Through a kind mother’s hands passed the thread

That made the clothes I journeying wear.

Tightly tightly she wove them then,

Dreading year after year of no return.

Can the young grass ever repay

The spring sun’s kindly rays?


(张廷琛、魏博思 译)


Song of the Parting Son


From the threads a mother’s hands weaves,

A gown for parting son is made.

Sown stitch by stitch before he leaves,

For fear his return be delayed.

Such kindness as young grass receives

From the warm sun can’t be repaid.


(许渊冲 译)


A Roamer’s Song


My benevolent mother —

With thread and needle in hand,

Mends the garment I have on,

Ere I leave my native land.


More stitches, ere I take leave,

To hold the seams firm and fast.

As itinerant worker,

To come home I’d be the last.


With what can I repay Ma?

Whatever others may say,

For what she has done for me,

Her, I can never repay.


(徐忠杰 译)

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