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申時行: Sonnet X
送交者: 萬尊 2008年09月10日11:57:49 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話
If in another world you so lov'd me, Does this lend you enough excuse for you, To spew from your fangs such long prepar'd dew, To make me dazzle in a dizzy spree? You don't need to tell me why you did it. I can guess there's a reason for any fit, Of your progressively violent hate, For I know too well it's just due to fate. You certainly lov'd me in the other world, But that only made you even more bold. You knew I'd never betray a friend, That helps you to go for your funny end. Perhaps betrayal is more than it seems. Perhaps it can fulfill more that it deems.
  世間何等清新脫俗的女子才能佩得上如此字句?  /無內容 - 小欣 09/10/08 (225)
    說的是五蠻亂華. - 萬尊 09/10/08 (203)
      我以為,寫嫦娥呢。  /無內容 - 小欣 09/10/08 (210)
        hagood interpretation! - 萬尊 09/10/08 (170)
          中秋快到了呀,很容易想到月中仙子。  /無內容 - 風麗 09/10/08 (168)
            剛有人提醒我嫦娥可能有問題 - 萬尊 09/10/08 (189)
              哈,和你開個玩笑。總之, - 風麗 09/10/08 (174)
  sad and - 要飯花子 09/10/08 (177)
  被蛇咬了 "more than" - 萬尊 09/10/08 (191)
  You don't need to tell me why - 職老 09/10/08 (144)
  胸襟博大,溫暖十族!  /無內容 - 萬尊 09/10/08 (197)
    兄弟,什麼時候寫首法語的,讓俺欣賞欣賞  /無內容 - 傻姑爺 09/10/08 (199)
      據說孔子就喜歡說法語. - 萬尊 09/10/08 (201)
        你也喜歡說呢。什麼時候顯擺顯擺,讓俺們羨慕羨慕?  /無內容 - 傻姑爺 09/10/08 (215)
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