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四言 甜蜜人兒 莫怪罪我
送交者: jiutouniao 2004年07月25日11:35:50 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話

just make fun
甜蜜人兒 莫怪罪我

甜蜜人兒 莫怪罪我
自與君遇 心只有君
令我歡愉 無與倫比

甜蜜人兒 莫怪罪我
我亦不知 將會如何
長路期盼 君夢入我

君之愛意 鮮若空氣
環繞週身 讓我喘息

君之微笑 永存腦際
冬花綻放 織熱甜蜜

不見君眼 生命沉淪
不聞君音 世界沉寂

即便迷失 君在我心
即便仙逝 君牽我去

無論何地 待君引領
靈魂隨君 亦步亦趨

無論何時 若君召喚
我心隨之 即有感應

甜蜜人兒 莫怪罪我﹗

Honey, Honey, I am not guilty

Honey, Honey, I am not guilty
My Heart is full, full of you and me
Everything has been changed since I met you
I have never been so happy
Honey, Honey, I am not guilty
I didn’t know what I could be
It seems there is a long way to go
Until you made the dream came to me
Your love is like fresh air around
I can survive because you have been found
Your smile always is hot and sweet
Iike flowers in the winter I never forget
Without seeing your eyes
My life will be so dark
Without hearing your voice
My world will be so quiet
I can be lost anywhere if you are in my mind
I could be dead anytime if you are holding my hand
Wherever you go, my soul will follow
Whenever you call me, my heart will know
Honey, Honey, I am not guilty

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