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My ORDEALS from NYC Police & Hospital 08/24-25/22
送交者: 王利民 2022年09月01日19:31:43 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

My ORDEALS from the NYC Police, Queens General Hospital on August 24 to 25, 2022
Sept. 01, 2022
by Limin Wang

This will be a relatively lengthy article, along with real-time AUDIOS, VIDEOS. Right now, I am giving an outline.

Around 09:00 AM, August 24, 2022, Wednesday, Li Li alone in the living room started her spontaneous angry murmuring. Since I have  long under injuries, pain, sufferings, and stresses, her sporadic episodes of "PSYCHOSES" irritate me easily, so I told Li Li to go OUTSIDE such as in the library, supermarkets, streets to do such EPISODES, Li Li refused to go outside, but persisted her HYSTERICAL RANTING. So, the physical pushing started. Li Li then yielded, but with VICIOUS intend to physically HIT me. As I often outcry, the HUMANSCUMS of the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM control all my electronic devices, my security camera did NOT catch some moments while IT ABSOLUTELY SHOULD HAVE RECORDED. Li Li then HYSTERICALLY SHOUTED in the front yard, with NO sign of stopping. So, I went back and used phone to video Li Li a moment, and then I called 911 for a PSYCHIATRIST for Li Li. During the four or five minutes of 911 call, the female receptionist definitely should be able to hear Li Li's hysterical scream. However, the EVIL 911 system once again did its EVIL against ME, Limin Wang. The COPS, a squad of cops in uniforms and gears, came FOR ME, Limin Wang, and they SURROUNDED the townhouse from front, back, sides, and upstairs. The cops easily breached the trashy iron gate and threatened to break down my apartment door, AGAIN this way. They claimed they could not hear me clearly over the THIN wood apartment door. Although I repeatedly said to them, I did NOT ask for POLICE, and I did NOT want POLICE to ME, but POLICE set up to break in from ANY DIRECTION. I was then LIVE BROADCASTING on Facebook about this when Police CAME FOR ME. Since the DANGER became more serious, and my further 911 calls were either ENDED by the 911 system or SIMPLY could NOT be made at all! Then I resorted to SHOUT AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE IN THE BACKYARD for ANY HUMAN BEINGS' POSSIBLE CURIOSITY OR ATTENTION OR "CARE". While I was shouting this way about WHAT"S GOING ON AT MY RENTAL RESIDENCE RIGHT NOW AND IN THE PAST YEARS, the cops arranged in the backyard started to talk. Minutes into my SHOUTING for attention, two male uniformed cops popped up SILENTLY from the backyard of 136-11 59th Ave, Flushing, NY 11355, immediate neighbor. While I told these two cops to go back to the front, because I would not dare to talk or deal with them in the obscure backyard, one cop insisted to approach and jumped over the fence. I locked the backdoor and found my keys and talked to the cops in the ground floor hallway to back out to the front yard for them to talk with me. The COPS WERE CLAIMING TO SEE ME TO JUST MAKE SURE I AM OK! I said the past experiences with the NYC cops make me FEAR THE COPS because they are sophisticated murderers! When I opened my apartment door, and tried to talk with the cop still standing in the ground floor hallway, three male cops ambushed me by dashing downstairs and IMMEDIATEDLY STUN-GUNNED MY WRISTS WHILE THEY HELD MY WRISTS. I did my best to stay NOT-STRUGGLING to meet the STATE TERRORISTS' scheme. They handcuffed me SO TIGHTLY and to my back that the viciously-designed handcuff's blunt blades hurt me so BADLY. The cops did NOT say much, but only held me toward an EMS vehicle idled tens of yards AWAY from this building 136-09 59th Ave. I resisted being forced onto PSYCHIATRIC UNIT for their MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL MURDER, then the HUMANSCUMS cops STUN-GUNNED ME MORE on my wrists, and would NOT loose the handcuffs any bit while I screamed for loosing the handcuffs. The cops wrung my phones and keys away from my hands. While I was forcefully restrained on the stretcher and onto EMS, the driver and the accompanying cop played PSYCHIATRIC INTIMIDATION. While arriving at Queens General Hospital, there were other cops waiting there for me. Soon, I was forced into its PSYCHIATRIC WARD and the cops and the "Medics" in uniform or plain clothes played PSYCHIATRIC INTIMIDATION game, and PHYSICAL ASSUALTS. These HUMANSCUMS as American cops and "medical professionals", including THREE HEAVY-BUILT NEGRO MEN, attempted to force the INJECTION of something into me, SIMPLY BECAUSE THESE HUMANSCUMS CAN DO WHAT THEY USUALLY DO WITHOUT ANY CONSEQUENCES OR REPERCUSSIONS. At some time point, one uniformed cop was showing me a bullet and a filled handgun magazine! Under the REAL FEAR of being MURDERED IMMINENTLY by these SYSTEMATIC THUGS, I yielded to them to delay my possible DEATH as much as possible. I was still handcuffed and led to the most interior after LOCKED DOORS AND DOORS. Then they pushed me down to a narrow leather bed-like furniture and pinned me down, and then somebody injected something onto my LEFT BUTTOCK. My muscles immediately had spasm and extreme pain. Once again, some of those SYSTEMATIC THUGS were LAUGHING at my pain! And only until this moments did the cops take away the handcuffs. I was then de facto jailed in that PSYCHIATRIC WARD until about 3pm the next day, ie, August 25, 2022. In there, NO WHATSOEVER PSYCHIATRIST ever talked with me about any "psychiatric" issues or underlying issues. Only one nurse-like young woman briefly asked why I was there, and I briefly said the cops forced me here. During the stay there, I was nose-swabbed for their claimed COVID-19 test, forced to have blood taken, and forced to give a urine sample. My pajama pants were pulled down to change for its pants. About an hour before I was eventually let free, a Chinese-looking and -speaking young woman said herself as a social worker and asked for a while. As daring and detesting as I should be, I briefly told her with some specifics that the American Evil System's humanscums would NOT address the underlying SEVERE ISSUES, but would claim me simply as a PSYCHOPATH. Before the freedom, the AES thugs were playing PSYCHIATRIC GAMES, including using seemingly PSYCHOPATHS, a Chinese-looking muscular dude and a muscular negro, to project beating me up there!

People around the world, including in the U.S., do you understand why some people HATE some American cops and "medical professionals" so badly? Because they are not what the American System claim them to be, because they are HUMANSCUMS from the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM. Heroes around the world, stand up united and fight for a REAL HUMAN SYSTEM AND WORLD.

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