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Let Me Answer These Questions!
送交者: BestWishes 2008月06月24日11:05:59 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 毛泽东最怕什么?最爱什么?最会什么?成败 于 2008-06-24 07:28:15
This is an interesting topic, but from this we can see through Mao's personal characters.

(1) What Mao fears most:
Mao is a sneaky person in character. Mao's heart is full of hatred and suspicion toward people. What Mao, a sneaky person fears most is the aggressive and hegemous person, in other words, Mao fears "Niu2 Mang2".

In the PLA, there was a Niu Mang military general, his name is "Xu Shi-you", a Guangdonese social rogue. this general is hegemous, unreasonable and aggressive. Whereever he goes, he carries a gun with him. whoever he doesn't like, he may point his gun at him.

Mao was afraid of Xu pointing his gun at him and may shoot him when Xu is mad. So, Mao spent a lot of time using all kinds of sweet talks to persuate or to tame Xu. In fact, in Mao's heart, he fears Xu very much. This is so called "奸楞怕流氓".

(2) What Mao Likes Most?
Undoubtedly, Mao likes Women most. According to an uncomplete statistics, Mao has the "Cross Legs" relationships with more than one dozen women not even including his wives. Mao can virtually be labelled as a big Sex Wolf! Mao's pink romance can be traced in many books even though these books are off-limit.

(3) What is Mao "Good-At"?
Frankly speaking, Mao good at many things, First, he is good at flirting women as mentioned in (2). When Mao talks to a man, he shows up like a hero, raising his head high, voice loud, and pointing his finger at here and there. But when Mao talks to a woman, he is mild, tamed, gender like a rabbit or a lamb.

Mao's most Good-at in politics is "Speculation". Mao is very sharp at smelling the directions of the "Political Wind". And he is always on the wind blowing side. Mao called this "Marching on the Multitude's Direction." In order to have more people to be his followers, Mao indulged large number of social rogues and good-for-nothings. That is the reason why today, there are so many "Diao Min", so many mid-level corruptive officials in China. All these Chinese scums were actually nurtured by Mao's vicious idea.

Mao is a man full of sins and crimes.
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