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Good Writing. Good Analysis
送交者: QingXingChen 2008月07月04日13:44:16 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 蘆笛: 甕安事件引出的一點絕望感想蘆笛 於 2008-07-02 21:21:41
Good writing with good analysis. It is so clear that the Chinese Communist Party is a backward, rotten and corrupted party, because it refuses to reform and adopt advanced social systems. The party knows that the China has been ruined by them. But all they can do is just to set up more officials to control people. Do not forget that the genes of Chinese people are changing to the wrong direction. It won't take long for the Party to totally detroy the few-left good parts of the genes and let all the bad parts grow wild. Can anyone imagine the result of that?
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