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The Economy and Markets 5/05
送交者: FVCK 2022月05月06日02:39:31 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 人往高处走,ZT中国女人倒贴钱养香港男人FVCK 于 2009-04-25 19:37:38

The Economy and Markets

5/05  Powell sends market flying, but is Fed falling further behind the curve? – SA
5/05  Sinko de Mayo: Post-Powell panic-bid hangover prompts pukefest – Zero Hedge
5/05  Ray Dalio: The popping of the bubble stocks – LinkedIn
5/05  Bond massacre continues and the Fed dove rally fails already – Mish Talk
5/05  78-year-old fund manager bracing for “biggest bear market in my life” – ZH
5/05  World’s largest shipper warns about stagflation: “not temporary” – Zero Hedge
5/05  Will Europe’s desire for LNG derail its climate goals? – Oil Price
5/05  German factory orders plummet as war weighs on manufacturers – Yahoo!
5/05  BOE sees risk of U.K. recession with inflation above 10% – Yahoo!
5/05  Bond turmoil threatens to erupt anew with inflation haunting Fed – Yahoo!
5/05  Main Street is convinced recession will hit economy this year – CNBC
5/05  Nikola stock jumps as EV truck maker reports start to production – CNBC
5/05  Nasdaq wipes out Wednesday’s post-Fed rally – CNBC
5/05  Fed set to pull back economic help rapidly. Is it too late? – DNYUZ
5/05  Worker output fell 7.5% in Q1, the biggest decline since 1947 – CNBC
5/05  How Uber imploded, losing $5.5 billion – Wolf Street
5/05  Why most equity mutual funds are (again) ill-prepared for a bear market – EWI
5/04  US services surveys scream stagflation: orders slow, prices surge – ZH
5/04  Wall Street reacts to the biggest Fed rate hike in 22 years – Zero Hedge
5/04  Stocks soar to best Fed-hike-day performance in 44 years – Zero Hedge
5/04  US trade deficit explodes to record high in March – Zero Hedge
5/04  The battery boom will redraw geopolitical maps – Oil Price
5/04  Distressed debt levels double in US corporate bond market – Financial Times
5/04  China’s big pledges set to test Covid-weary markets in reopening – Yahoo!
5/04  Private payrolls rose by 247,000 in April, missing expectations – Yahoo!
5/04  Volkswagen to prolong coal-fired power as Russia concerns continue – CNBC
5/04  The Salton Sea could produce the world’s greenest lithium – CNBC
5/04  Record number of Americans quit jobs, openings beat unemployed workers – ZH
5/04  Lyft plunges 26% afterhours, down 74% from its hype-and-hoopla IPO – WS

  links- 向高收入的奋斗人士致敬 - 纽约大被窝 05/25/22 (57)
  Vsevelod Bobrov 5-13 - FVCK 05/13/22 (72)
  The Economy and Markets 5/11 - FVCK 05/12/22 (54)
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