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This is a Putin self-directed "wondering balloon 1&2"
送交者: nancy02 2023月02月09日22:09:08 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 气球问题的本质是中共信誉的破产右撇子 于 2023-02-09 17:03:34
This is a Putin self-directed "wondering balloon 1&2". I don't know what's going on with CCP internally but it is possible that there's a quiet coup in CCP conducted by Putin. I think QinGang is likely the one that led the quiet coup. QinGang did nothing but to harm Chinese interest. When he succeeded his predecessor as China to US ambassador in 07/2021, China and US's relationship immediately made a huge downturn. And only when Xie Feng came in, US and China relation starts recover. QinGang must v been supported by Putin to enter into central committee. He had no achievement but all failures. I don't know how he can enter into central committee without Putin's support. Immediately after he became FM, he started to work to spoil China-SK relationship and left a messy trail after recent Africa trip. Now he is leading China into a direct confrontation with US. He is compromised and need to be removed. And Wang Yi should resume the leadership of China.
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