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送交者: 老尚童 2021年05月21日08:33:01 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话



伪临朝武氏者,性非和顺,地实寒微。昔充太宗下陈,曾以更衣入侍。洎乎晚节, 秽乱春宫。潜隐先帝之私,阴图后房之嬖。入门见嫉,蛾眉不肯让人;掩袖工谗,狐媚偏能惑主。践元后于翚翟,陷吾君于聚麀。加 以虺蜴为心,豺狼成性。近狎邪僻,残害忠良。杀姊屠兄,弑君鸩母。神人之所共嫉, 天地之所不容。犹复包藏祸心,窥窃神器。君之爱子,幽之于别宫;贼之宗盟,委之以重任。呜呼!霍子孟之不作,朱虚侯之已亡。燕啄皇孙,知汉祚之将尽。龙藜帝后,识夏庭之遽衰。


南连百越,北尽三河;铁骑成群,玉轴相接。海陵红粟,仓储之积靡穷;江浦黄旗, 匡复之功何远!班声动而北风起,剑气冲而南斗平。喑呜则山岳崩颓,叱吒则风云变色。 以此制敌,何敌不摧?以此图功,何功不克?

公等或居汉地,或协周亲;或膺重寄于话言,或受顾命于宣室。言犹在耳,忠岂忘 心。一抔之土未干,六尺之孤何托?倘能转祸为福,送往事居,共立勤王之勋, 无废大君之命,凡诸爵赏,同指山河。若其眷恋穷城,徘徊歧路,坐昧先几之兆,必贻 后至之诛。请看今日之域中,竟是谁家之天下!




我刚刚通过主流媒体的泄密得知,在我从5年半前走下自动扶梯时就被调查,包括假的俄罗斯骗局、24800万美元、没有勾结的穆勒猎巫、弹劾骗局1号。弹劾骗局2号,以及其他,民主党的纽约总检察长已经 "通知 "我的组织,他们的 "调查 "不再只是民事问题,也有可能是与曼哈顿地区检察官办公室合作的"刑事 "调查。


纽约总检察长甚至在她知道我的任何事情之前,就以起诉唐纳德-川普为主题开展竞选活动。她说,如果当选,她将利用她的办公室来调查我的房地产交易的 "各个方面"。她发誓说,她 "肯定会起诉 "我。她在视频中吹嘘说,她将是,我引述,"一个真正的痛苦的屁股"。她宣称,"等我进了司法部长办公室再说吧",而且,"我已经盯上了川普大厦"。她还承诺,如果当选,她将 "与全国各地的执法部门和其他司法部长一起,将这位总统赶下台",而且,"重要的是,每个人都明白,唐纳德-川普的日子就要结束了。"





这就是这些调查的目的--美国历史上最大的政治猎巫行动的延续。这些民主党人与华盛顿合作,想要压制和取消数百万选民,因为他们不希望 "川普 "再次参选。当人们以前所未有的速度在纽约的人行道上被杀害,当各种毒品和犯罪以创纪录的水平在纽约市流窜,而他们完全没有采取任何措施时,他们所关心的只是打倒川普。

我们的运动,始于2016年的大选胜利,也许是我们国家历史上最大和最强大的运动。但民主党人想取消"让美国再次伟大 "运动,不是让美国第一,而是让美国最后。没有一位总统受到过我这样的待遇。在你读到的所有犯罪和腐败行为中,没有发生任何事情,他们只对唐纳德-川普下手。













Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

I have just learned, through leaks in the mainstream media, that after being under investigation from the time I came down the escalator 5 ½ years ago, including the fake Russia Russia Russia Hoax, the 2 year, $48M, No Collusion Mueller Witch Hunt, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and others, that the Democrat New York Attorney General has “informed” my organization that their “investigation” is no longer just a civil matter but also potentially a “criminal” investigation working with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.

There is nothing more corrupt than an investigation that is in desperate search of a crime. But, make no mistake, that is exactly what is happening here. 

The Attorney General of New York literally campaigned on prosecuting Donald Trump even before she knew anything about me. She said that if elected, she would use her office to look into “every aspect” of my real estate dealings. She swore that she would “definitely sue” me. She boasted on video that she would be, and I quote, “a real pain in the ass.” She declared, “just wait until I’m in the Attorney General’s office,” and, ”I’ve got my eyes on Trump Tower.” She also promised that, if elected, she would “join with law enforcement and other Attorney Generals across this nation in removing this President from office,” and, “It’s important that everyone understand that the days of Donald Trump are coming to an end.”

The Attorney General made each of these statements, not after having had an opportunity to actually look at the facts, but BEFORE she was even elected, BEFORE she had seen even a shred of evidence. This is something that happens in failed third world countries, not the United States. If you can run for a prosecutor’s office pledging to take out your enemies, and be elected to that job by partisan voters who wish to enact political retribution, then we are no longer a free constitutional democracy.

Likewise, the District Attorney’s office has been going after me for years based on a lying, discredited low life, who was not listened to or given credibility by other prosecutorial offices, and sentenced to 3 years in prison for lying and other events unrelated to me.

These investigations have also been going on for years with members and associates of the Trump Organization being viciously attacked, harassed, and threatened, in order to say anything bad about the 45th President of the United States. This would include having to make up false stories. Numerous documents, all prepared by large and prestigious law and accounting firms, have been examined, and many hours of testimony have been taken from many people, some of whom I have not seen in years.

These Democrat offices are consumed with this political and partisan Witch Hunt at a time when crime is up big in New York City, shootings are up 97%, murders are up 45%, a rate not seen in 40 years, drugs and criminals are pouring into our Country in record numbers from our now unprotected Southern Border, and people are fleeing New York for other much safer locations to live. But the District Attorney and Attorney General are possessed, at an unprecedented level, with destroying the political fortunes of President Donald J. Trump and the almost 75 million people who voted for him, by far the highest number ever received by a sitting President.

That is what these investigations are all about—a continuation of the greatest political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States. Working in conjunction with Washington, these Democrats want to silence and cancel millions of voters because they don’t want “Trump” to run again. As people are being killed on the sidewalks of New York at an unprecedented rate, as drugs and crime of all kinds are flowing through New York City at record levels, with absolutely nothing being done about it, all they care about is taking down Trump.

Our movement, which started with the Great Election Win of 2016, is perhaps the biggest and most powerful in the history of our Country. But the Democrats want to cancel the Make America Great Again movement, not by Making America First, but by Making America Last. No President has been treated the way I have. With all of the crime and corruption you read about with others, nothing happens, they only go after Donald Trump. 

After prosecutorial efforts the likes of which nobody has ever seen before, they failed to stop me in Washington, so they turned it over to New York to do their dirty work. This is what I have been going through for years. It’s a very sad and dangerous tale for our Country, but it is what it is, and we will overcome together.

I have built a great company, employed thousands of people, and all I do is get unfairly attacked and abused by a corrupt political system. It would be so wonderful if the effort used against President Donald J. Trump, who lowered taxes and regulations, rebuilt our military, took care of our Veterans, created Space Force, fixed our border, produced our vaccine in record-setting time (years ahead of what was anticipated), and made our Country great and respected again, and so much more, would be focused on the ever more dangerous sidewalks and streets of New York. 

If these prosecutors focused on real issues, crime would be obliterated, and New York would be great and free again!


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Stick with Kirstie Alley! She is a great actress, loved by so many people, and a true original. She is also strong and smart. Many millions of people greatly appreciate her support of our Country. Thank you Kirstie, you are truly appreciated!


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

A loan of $1.2 billion has closed on the asset known as the Bank of America Building (555 California Street) in San Francisco, CA. The interest rate is approximately 2%. Thank you!


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

See, 35 wayward Republicans—they just can’t help themselves. We have much better policy and are much better for the Country, but the Democrats stick together, the Republicans don’t. They don’t have the Romney’s, Little Ben Sasse’s, and Cheney’s of the world. Unfortunately, we do. Sometimes there are consequences to being ineffective and weak. The voters understand!

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