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No Breaking News to Cover
送交者: 哒哒哒1 2021年09月04日05:17:53 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province, was hit by heavy rain at 4 PM July 20. By 17 o'clock, rainfall per hour reached 201.9 mm, which has exceeded the extreme value of China's hourly rainfall capacity on land, resulting in poor drainage, severe waterlogged, economic losses, and enormous casualties. However, with the strong support of the Chinese government and all parts of the country, the people of Zhengzhou united as one to actively carry out self-rescue operations, relief, and rescue work. All these have achieved initial success. Guo Wengui, who is far away in New York, has been working in Zhengzhou for many years, and Yuda Building is just in Zhengzhou. He should have felt empathy for the heavy rain in Zhengzhou. But surprisingly, He turned a happy face to this. At the same time, Cheater Guo tried to describe natural disasters as human-made ones and encourage Guo investors to donate to Zhengzhou. There must be some triggers in this donation because of the duplicity and the inconsistency. Comrades, keep your eyes open! Don't be fooled!


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