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送交者: 雪梅 2021年11月08日13:49:31 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Dear Sir:


My name is ————, a resident at ————... I am writing this letter to share my very deep concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine.


1.     The Case of Maddie De Garay.


Maddie De Garay, a healthy 12 years girl and one of the 1,131 kids in the treatment arm of the Pfizer phase 3 vaccine trial, was paralyzed after her second Pfizer shot. Today she has no feeling below her waist, she can’t hold her head up on her own, she has to eat through a feeding tube. It isn’t clear she will improve over time. Pfizer reported her case as “abdominal pain”  rather than “permanent paralysis.” No one in our government or representatives from Pfizer company reached out to her family. When her family joined a Facebook support group to help people cope with serious side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine, it was shut down by Facebook. (ref 1, 3)


One out of 1,131! The persons involved with this clinical study clearly knew that the estimated probability of getting a severe side effect was 0.088% in that group at that moment. The mortality rate for children with COVID-19 is 0.003% (1 in 33,333) according to CDC 2020 estimation. Up to now, less than 20% of Americans got COVID-19. Under the normal clinical trial design and appropriate monitoring of the trial, the trial should have been stopped immediately because Maddie’s serious reaction demonstrated the risk is much more than the COVID-19 virus itself to her age group. And the vaccine should have been banned to be used for youth. (ref 2)


I ask to investigate the Maddie De Garay case thoroughly and hold the responsible party for their crime. I ask to ban the Pfizer COVID vaccine for children under 18 immediately. We should ban Pfizer from selling any drugs and vaccines in the US for the next 50 years.


2.     The Probability of Myocarditis in Young People is not LOW


“The New England Journal of Medicine” just published a study about myocarditis after the vaccine in Israel. The data demonstrates the probability of getting myocarditis for 16-19 boys after the COVID-19 vaccine is 1 in 6,637 (0.015%). This estimation can be verified by different researchers using different data. This number is much higher than the mortality rate for youth with COVID-19. (ref 4, 5)


Sweden, Denmark, and Finland stopped Moderna’s COVID vaccine for people below age 30 because of myocarditis concerns. UK stop recommending the COVID vaccine for youth anymore. But America is working on approving the COVID vaccines for kids age 5-12.

This does not sound right at all. (ref 7)


I ask to ban the COVID vaccine for anyone under 18 immediately. I ask the government to stop recommending the COVID vaccine for young people.


3.     Is Vaccine Safe?

With the vaccine mandate, hundreds, hundreds of health care workers across the country lost their jobs because they refused to take the vaccine. Why did they make that choice? (ref 8)


Project Verita posted a video to demonstrate that the hospitals hide the side effect of the vaccine. How much information has been hidden from the public? (ref 9)


There is a peer-reviewed paper ”Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?" just published on “Toxicology Reports”. It claims:” our extremely conservative estimate for the risk-benefit ratio is about 5/1. In plain English, people in the 65+ demographic are five times as likely to die from the inoculation as from COVID-19 under the most favorable assumptions! This demographic is the most vulnerable to adverse effects from COVID-19. As the age demographics go below about 35 years old, the chances of death from COVID-19 become very small, and when they go below 18, become negligible.” (ref 6)


I ask to stop the vaccine mandate for all ages. It is a violation of the Nuremberg Code. I ask to put an extremely high penalty for anyone hiding COVID information from the public.


4.     Vaccine’s Long Term Effect is unknown


Dr. Ryan N. Cole, a Pathologist, warned us that the vaccine compromises autoimmunity. It may cause cancer and other diseases in the long term. (ref 10)


The vaccine can not get us to herd immunity. Vaccinated people can be infected and spread

the virus. The so-called “vaccine” is new and we do not have any long-term safety data for them. The Nuremberg Code clearly stated that voluntarily participating and informed consent are principals for using experimental drug/therapy on humans. Violating these principles is against humanity. Right now, the government is trying to force many people to take this injection. If the vaccine can cause severe long-term damage to human beings, it will be a disaster. The government will lose its reputation once for all. Even if time prove the vaccine is safe, the breaking of the Nuremberg Code opens a door for future and further violation of human right, which will cause huge disasters to human society sooner or later.


We already know

      a)     In Taiwan, the number of people who died from the vaccine is more than the number of people who died from COVID-19.

      b)     In Singapore, after 80% of people there were vaccinated, the COVID-19 cases and death have been skyrocketed.

      c)     A group of physicians and medical scientists met in Rome this past September. They put together the “Physicians Declaration”11, which was signed by more than 10,000 physicians. The declaration condemned the “one-size-fits-all” COVID-19 treatment strategy and declared the current COVID policies “Crimes Against Humanity”.


We are in a critical time of human history. I wish you take your responsibility to protect the human race, protect our children, and help us to hold the moral backbone of this nation.


I pray God to give your wisdom and courage and bless you in your path serving people.






1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFph7-6t34M&t=15794s

2 https://www.nbc26.com/news/coronavirus/cdc-estimates-covid-19-fatality-rate-including-asymptomatic-cases

3. https://www.foxnews.com/media/ohio-woman-daughter-covid-vaccine-reaction-wheelchair

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7W0OnLl4a0&t=427s


6. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221475002100161X

7. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/finland-pauses-use-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-young-men-2021-10-07/

8. https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/28/us/ny-health-care-vaccine-mandate/index.html

9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obdI7tgKLtA

10. https://rumble.com/vldb8g-dr.-ryan-cole-concerned-that-vax-compromises-auto-immunity.html

11. https://doctorsandscientistsdeclaration.org/



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