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Email to BS and NYS Courts
送交者: 王利民 2022年03月17日12:58:53 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

My Daughter Alexandria Wang Abducted by the American Evil System
--- My Email to the Virtual PTC at Bronx High School of Science and to NYS Courts

March 17, 2022, Thursday,

Re: Virtual PTC of March 2022, and "Child Neglect Case" Docket No.: NN-09918-21

Mr.'s and Mrs's Principal Rachel Hoyle, Teachers Sam Grossman, Beau Scheiber, Michael McGrath, Olga Sofman, Anthony Noody, Mike Rainford, "Guidance Counselor" Darby McHugh, "Social Woker" Danielle Heckman-Perez at Bronx High School of Science, and my dear daughter Alexandria Wang, and NY Courts,

I am emailing to attend this March 2022 PTC which is held by BS to be VIRTUAL, about the DEPLORABLE SITUATIONS around my almost-18-year-old daughter Alexandria Wang, a HS senior there but abducted into "foster care". Basically, Alexandria Wang had been influenced by treacherous humanscums of the american evil system via various means to be abducted "legally" by the american evil system away from her biological and supporting parents and family to a SECRET de facto jail of namely "foster care", since the eventual beginning of in-school learning in September 2021 in the "fear" of so-called COVID-19 pandemic. Alexandria Wang has since been "led" on the humanscums' path to the DESTROY of herself and this already traumas-stricken family. 

While the HUMANSCUMS of no accountability from the american evil system has either verbally claimed Alexandria Wang has been healthy and happy while under their "legally-decided" absolute control and almost absolute severance, even of the remote communication, between the daughter and the parents, or alternatively claimed Alexandria Wang had recently reported to those HUMANSCUMS that she had had seen faces "as night (Note, exact quote of the AES's written "legal document")" over the past three years while going to sleep and recently while riding bus, to insinuate either the PERVASIVE AMERICAN SEXUAL ASSAULT OR PERVERSION CULTURE or the real possibility of Alexandria has been intoxicated and/or brainwashed by those HUMANSCUMS under their "foster care",  I have tried my best to have my voice of the facts and truth to be heard by whatever and whomever, to 1) get the right conditions, including PEACEFUL surroundings WITHOUT FREQUENT PSYCHOTIC DRAMAS FROM Li Li, for my daughters' survival; 2) diagnose and treat and adjudicate Li Li's "PSYCHIATRIC ISSUES" CREATED AND COACHED BY HUMANSCUMS, INCLUDING NYC POLICE, OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM, STARTED AT LEAST AS EARLY AS YEAR 2014 WHILE LI LI, THE BIOLOGICAL MOTHER of my two daughters, DESERTED HOME TWICE AND STAYED AWAY FOR ALMOST A YEAR; 3) diagnose and treat and adjudicate Limin Wang's SEVERE INJURIES sustained from the NUMEROUS attempted-murders carried out by the AES HUMANSCUMS at the slavery workplace and then further at the "medical clinics". 

The humanscums of the american evil system act they have had no time or venue or patience to hear from me, and they keep going their SHAM AND SHAME "rule of law" and "public service". Specifically about Alexandria Wang, Bronx High School of Science has even claimed over my reaching phone calls that even Alexandria Wang's SCHOOL ATTENDANCE is a SECRET of a SPECIAL CASE, and could only be handled by "guidance counselor" Darby McHugh, but I have NEVER received any responses/initiations of any means of communication from Darby McHugh so far! The humanscum namely as Danielle Heckman-Perez, a "social worker" at BS, had only once called on Oct. 01, 2021 about asking my "permission" for her to send HOMEWORK to Alexandria Wang while AW had been de facto jailed by the HUMANSCUMS at a psychiatric hospital, South Oaks Hospital, far away from home, WITHOUT any consultation with or consent from the PARENTS, AW HERSELF, OR THE ELDER ADULT-AGE DAUGHTER. 

Now, while the HUMANSCUMS have physically abducted Alexandria Wang away from the family, and psychologically brainwashed her behavior to be ANTAGONISTIC TO THE FATHER,THE ONLY PARENT RESPONDING THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM'S THROWN-UPON "CHILD NEGLECT CASE" AND "RENTAL RESIDENCE EVICTION CASE", and electronically controlled AW's phone service switched after their abduction, and manipulated her other electronic exposures, and prohibited the parents from any real knowledge of Alexandria Wang's real situations even her college applications, Alexandria Wang expected the pride from me the father when I got "PRECIOUS" SCARCE text messages seemingly from her on early March, 2022, that she had got the admission offer from Pratt Institute with a so-called scholarship of $36K. Also revealed then was Alexandria Wang had not applied to many colleges/universities, and she is still waiting for decisions from the applications to IVY LEAGUE schools. I had tried my best to urge her to apply for at least five SUNY or CUNY public universities and to stay completely away from TRASH but EXTREMELY COSTLY (>>36K/year) PRIVATE colleges. What kind of "guidance" the BS has ever really provided to my daughter Alexandria Wang?????? A trap of FINANCIAL DEBT AND DEVELOPMENT WASTING AND FOSTER-CARE BOND for her to fall in during her critical growing-up years????????? Also, look at the PupilPath record of Alexandria Wang's attendance and performance, please. She has been ABSENT from school for SO MANY DAYS ACROSS THE MONTHS since the de facto abduction night of Sept. 24 - 25, 2021, and LATE for school on multiple other days. WHERE IS THE WHATEVER "FOSTER CARE" THE HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM HAVE PROVIDED FOR MY ALMOST-18-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER'S "CHANGE" FROM A NORMAL YOUNGSTER TO SUCH A WASTE WHO COULD NOT EVEN ATTEND SCHOOL WELL NOW? ?????????????????ALSO, HER ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AT SOME COURSES SUCH AS AP CHEMISTRY AND AP ECONOMICS HAVE BEEN SO MISERABLY TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sincerely and truly,

Limin Wang
Father of Alexandria Wang
Victim of Attempted-Murders by the American Evil System under NYS Workers' Comp Case G2029240
Victim of Rental Residence Eviction Case LT-304213-21/QU and Long Residential Torture by the American Evil System
Victim of "Child Neglect Case" NN-09918-21 FABRICATED BY THE American Evil System

  BS principal's first ever resp - 王利民 03/17/22 (129)
  不會有好結果的。美國的這個體系專門還這些小孩。  /無內容 - 綠野仙人 03/17/22 (133)
    什麼意思?“專門還這些小孩”。  /無內容 - 王利民 03/17/22 (133)
      美國的孌童犯專門害這些小孩。要小心!!!  /無內容 - 綠野仙人 03/17/22 (108)
        如果是你的小孩。別和中國人浪費時間 - 綠野仙人 03/17/22 (130)
          中國人是一群愚蠢無知更沒有良心的群體。 - 綠野仙人 03/17/22 (130)
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