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How is American "Rule of Law"?
送交者: 王利民 2022年04月07日20:28:30 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

How Is the American System’s EXECUTION and JUDGMENT of its “Rule of Law”?
By Limin Wang
April 06, 2022

Re: The Transit Adjudication Bureau Ticket #119566738

Dear TAB Officer, and Whoever may be concerned,
I was handed with this TAB ticket #119566738, worth of US$100 fine, at ~11:
25 AM, April 05, 2022, after a heavy-built mid-aged blackman in NYCT uniform
was only considering my then $2.75 bus fare evasion on Q44-SBS but
completely ignoring the underlying facts I presented to him on that stopped
bus-stop of Main St. & Jewel Ave in Flushing, NY 11367.

The NYCT black strongman was reading the Notice of court appearance, hearing
my beginning of explanation, but he was sternly asking for my ID, and then
I gave him my New York State Driver License ID. While he was writing some of
my INFORMATION onto a SEPARATE thin cardboard-like brown sheet, he also
filled in and issued me this fine ticket. I was then recording my then
explanation to him what is the background situation and why I was on that
bus. The NYCT blackman was told directly that this conversation was being
recorded. Another gentleman in NYCT uniform was not involved, but on about 2
-ft distance stand-by and witnessing. This audio has been included on the


Basically, I am a seriously injured victim from a series of premeditated and
coordinated murder-attempts, first from the former slavery workplace B.Q.
Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, Inc. (a branch store of KSI Auto Parts, at 109-
35 178th St, Jamaica, NY 11433), including the fall off a meticulously-
assembled TRAP ladder there on January 16, 2018 which includes a split-
second-of-death hyperflexion and hyperextension of my head & neck due to my
emergent grab of the shelves during the fall, and then continuing attempted-
murders from the “medical providers” New York Medical & Diagnostic Center,
and, New York City Medical & Neurological Offices, both referred to by my
former “attorney” and his law firm Bangel, Cohen & Falconetti LLP.

On my VERY FIRST OR BEGINNING VISITS, Chiropractor Martin Gillman (NYMDC)
suddenly and surprisingly puffed metallic powder in front of my face and
upper chest on Feb. 15, 2018, and the immediately following X-ray images
that day CLEARLY show some metallic particles on me and INSIDE MY THROAT; “
Orthopedic Surgeon” Benjamin Uh (NYMDC), FINALLY shown on the 01/25/2021
the American Evil System with INTENSE NOISES and incoming call, under a WCB
Judge Lucky Enobakhare (a blackman INTENTIONALLY speaking with a STRONG
immigrant indiscernible accent), claimed he was NOT licensed or board-
certified to practice medicine, but he was ABSOLUTELY LYING about his
INTENTIONAL EXCLUSION of my NECK in his ONLY referral note of MRI to me
given during the first seeing on 02/16/2018. Googling shows some online
disinformation of his medical education from “Columbia” and of his “image
” from another physician Benjamin Chu in Philadelphia area;  Chiropractor
Yazan Rajai Jabaji (NYMDC) suddenly and violently twisted my head and neck
to my left about 90 degrees while I was told to rest prone and stretch my
told-to-be-RELAXED head and neck over the end of a medical table in a
curtain booth on its 2nd floor on Feb. 17, 2018; An old Jew man (with a Jew
wok on his head, also at NYMDC), answered to me of his name as “Wiseman”,
ELECTRICALLY SHOCKED me while electrodes were attached from my LEFT FOREHEAD
to my LEFT NECK to my LEFT SHOULDER and all the way down to my LEFT HAND,
on a FRESHLY WIPED heavily grimed device, on Feb. 19, 2018; NYMDC took two
shots of X-ray imaging on my head-and-neck junction area by the OPEN-MOUTH
POSTURE on March 08, 2018, but it claims it does not do DENTIST’S imaging
and thus always DENIES the existence of these two images of CRUCIAL EVIDENCE
of LIFE-THREATENING SEVERE INJURIES; Furthermore, NYMDC gave a second CD of
“X-ray images” on March 12, 2019 and it caused the COMPLETE CRASH of my
old laptop into un-rebootable; Mitchell Kaphan (NYMDC), always wearing a
surgical mask during my visits in year 2018, was prescribing a high-dose
painkiller with many months of many refillings to me, was reportedly DEAD in
March 2019  as a former Jewish military man when I googled about him. The
other medical clinic, NYCMNO, also did the deletion, distortion, denial,
delay, and destruction to me via its “diagnoses”, “medical reports”, MRI
referral for my brain, and their >10 “medications” (some permanently and
severely harmful, and highly probably DEADLY)!

I had sought for help and justice and recovery through the “democratic
government”, “rule of law”, and “freedom”, but the BROAD “legal” “
business” field beyond my FORMER legal “representatives” from BCF, the
BROAD “medical” field beyond NYMDC & NYCMNO and their “business”
partners, and the whole system of the AMERICAN SYSTEM, have led me the
injured victim into DESPIRATION AND FURY.  So far, None of the CORRUPT AND
MURDEROUS New York System agencies, such as Workers’ Compensation Board on
my WC case #G2029240, Dept. of Health’s Office of Professional Medical
Conduct, Police, District Attorney, Mayor’s or Governor’s Offices, have
taken up this serious matter for a RIGHTEOUS SENSE of “rule of law”! I
have not been honestly diagnosed or treated or compensated from the very
beginning after the fall from the TRAP ladder, and I have been left to live
on a hard-fought MEAGRE $860/month and then slightly increased Social
Security Disability benefit for my whole family of four in the Liberty-
Statued New York City. On the contrary, the Premeditated and Coordinated
Assaults from the Humanscums of the American Evil System have become severer
and broader.

My “wife” Li Li has been almost daily PSYCHIATRIC or PSYCHOPATHIC and thus
DESTRUCTIVE to the whole family since her twice desertions in year 2014 and
return to home in Aug. 2015. Li Li’s twice desertions were seduced,
coerced, aided, and abetted by AES HUMANSCUMS, including NYC Cops and Li Li
’s elder sister ChunLing Li, a so-called “political asylee” from China.
Instead of addressing Li Li’s mental and behavioral issues, the AES
HUMANSCUMS, including those from Bronx High School of Science, seduced and
abducted my almost-18-yr-young daughter Alexandria Wang, a HS senior, into a
bogus “foster care” which is a loop of the actual SYSTEMATIC CHILDREN
neglect” NN-09918-21. The AES Humanscums of “Family Court” and NYC “
Administration for Children’s Services” still scheduled the 10:30 AM,
April 05, 2022 Virtual “Hearing” from their SHAM AND SHAME pop-up 03/22/22
VH, while I was telling them to AVOID the already scheduled 10:00 AM, April
05, 2022 Bench Trial about the Eviction case LT-304213-21/QU thrown onto me
and my family.

Then I followed the Eviction Court’s email instruction to request the
seemingly available option of Virtual Appearance for the 10:00 AM, April 05,
2022 Bench Trial, but the Eviction Courts seem to have been involved or
infected in systematic corruption too. They first scheduled the LT-304213-21
/QU, the eviction onto my family, AND LT-050093-22/QU, a case UNRELATED and
Self-Represented, at 10:00 AM, April 05, 2022, for Part O., Room 202, Civil
Court of the City of New York, 89-17 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435.
They have not answered why two cases in the same court room at the same time
slot were scheduled, but they demanded the IN PERSON Court Appearance at 11
:30 AM, April 05, 2022. The eviction case was brought up by my landlords and
their attorney in March 2021, and the previous eviction court had NOT taken
on the SIXTEEN RENTAL ISSUES I listed out and some AES HUMANSCUMS again
LIED AND DISTORTED in their “offer” of “Adult Protection Service” to Li

I was once again INFURIATED by the SHAM and SHAME virtual “hearing”, held
at 10:00AM, Apr. 05, 2022, by the “Family Court” about my daughter
Alexandria Wang, so while I was willing to go to the new Eviction Court to
hope for any chance of justice, I was NOT willing to pay the $2.75 bus fare
SYSTEM OVER THE YEARS? Plus, in the past years, while I was paying MTA fare
for purposes of either purely private matters or the Workers’ Comp case,
the machines either DOUBLE-CHARGED or DENIED the recognition of a VALID
MetroCard due to a seemingly machine error.

Thus, I plead “NOT Guilty” onto this TAB ticket #119566738, and look
forward to your considerate consideration of me not paying either the $2.75
fare or the $100 fine.

Very Truly,

Limin Wang

1) TAB ticket #119566738, original, and filled in section “REQUEST FOR
2) Photocopy of the Court Notice postcard for appearance at 10:00 AM, Apr 05
, 22 at 89-17 Sutphin Blvd.
3) Printout of the original schedule of Part O, Room 202, of NYC Civil Court
at Queens, NY
4) Printout of the Corrected and Updated schedule of Part O, Room 202

[P.S. The text above in Word file was printed into three pages, signed,
notarized, and then mailed to Transit Adjudication Bureau, P. O. Box 02-9133
, Brooklyn, NY 11202-9133, together with the listed enclosed documents,
which are shown as four images in the online post.]

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