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How Li Li starts up argument?
送交者: 王利民 2022年05月06日21:41:26 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

May 06, 2022, Friday
by Limin Wang

It's so STRANGE that my electronic devices such as laptop and cell phone can NOT pick up well Li Li's METICULOUSLY SPONTANEOUS AND LONG-LASTING ANGRY RANTING AND DISTURBING, while my hearing, already severely impaired by the injuries from the American Evil System's Humanscums' premeditated and coordinated murder-attempts, can CLEARLY hear her. So, the beginning 9'40'' of recording ONLY OCCASIONALLY SHOWED very few spikes, VERY WEAK, of a FEMALE voice. Then, I started to react. And then Li Li's ranting was picked up ONLY A TINY BIT BETTER on this recording.

How it started? The HUMANSCUM Li Li was behavoring her USUAL PSYCHIATRIC OR PSYCHOTIC WAY SINCE HER TWICE DESERTIONS SEDUCED, COERCED, AIDED AND ABETTED BY HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM IN YEAR 2014 AND THEN HER RETURN IN 2015. She was watching TV, her routine daily activity, which can be LONG-LASTING from the time after breakfast all the way until the sleeping time at night, EVERY DAY, since her return in 2015. What's more sickening, Li Li spent most of her TV time on Entertainment shows, Talent shows, Cooking shows, Documentary shows, Politicians' talking shows, etc. For the daily NEWS, the PSYCHIATRIC LI LI these years shows great distaste, because she claims she is only looking for a "peaceful" "good" life but the NEWS tells all kinds of "bad" things! Meanwhile, she would be OK or even keen to watch the CHINESE TV channels of NEWS. What the Special-Colored China has provided to support the life of hers or her parental family's? Li Li would spend money to renew her two licenses in 2019 while she would NOT even think of working on any job. While Li Li would not read any bit of the specialties books I checked out for her, she would only have the uncontrollable impulse to return them all immediately and claim she has KNOWN everything about her licensed specialties. Li Li was namely studying the laws in a local college in China, with so POOR GRADES, and now she pretended a HUNGER to hug a THICK book of law I picked up from streetside and which got SOAKED by the Hurricane Ida flooding to this DUNGEON rental place on the night of Sept. 01 -02, 2021. Many many many despicable NEW behaviors of hers shown since her return from her twice desertions.  LI LI'S NEWLY-ACQUIRED BEHAVIOR SHOWS THE SHEER PSYCHIATRIC HYPOCRISY. Thus, I hate Li Li so much, but I hate a lot more the HUMANSCUMS of the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM who have cultivated Li Li so.

I was trying my way to guide my mental status onto the writing to my younger daughter Alexandria Wang about AP Chemistry. It's already not an easy thing for me to get to the right conditions of myself to focus on something important, so I later turned off the TV and took the remote control away, and came back to the laptop and locked myself in the other room. Li Li would still hug a pillow to her chest, either sitting on the bed or half-lying on the bed, quiet for some time. Then she came to the locked room's door, and then she started her METICULOUSLY CARRIED-OUT RANTING, TO ONLY RUIN MY DAYS, TO RUIN MY LIFE. She first opened the door to the back-yard wide open, and then she claimed I had gone out of the apartment SECRETLY, and then she claimed I had gone outside to FUCK some woman THIS PROSTITUTE LI LI HAS CLAIMED EXISTENT, and then she claimed I, Limin Wang, needed to die!!!!!!!!! She kept going on and on!!!!!!! Since Li Li's return from her desertions, it has been so HARD, almost IMPOSSIBLE, to have ANY KIND OF INTIMACY with this PSYCHIATRIC OR PSYCHOTIC ADULT woman Li Li, no matter what her mental status is in the adjacent conditions! Li Li was NEVER this way before her desertions in 2014!

Readers, audience, please do not IMAGINE, particularly do not PAINT, Li Li, as a "NORMAL" adult woman! That PROSTITUTE LI LI has NEVER REALLY LOVED ME, THE "HUSBAND", since the beginning of interaction and then "marriage" back more than TWO DECADES AGO. Li Li was ONLY cheating me into this "marriage" to get herself, and then her parental family's members, and wishfully some corrupt Special-Colored Chinese "Communist" Party leaders' family members, into the U.S.A. And the American Evil System entices, shelters, and cultivates these kinds of HUMANSCUMS while ENSLAVING many many many PEOPLE.

Li Li was NOT behaving this kind of SPONTANEOUS SPORADIC BIPOLAR HYSTERISM before her twice desertions in 2014! It's the HUMANSCUMS of the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM, including her biological elder-sister PROSTITUTE ChunLing Li, human-trafficked into this country on a RIDDLED-WITH-FRAUD "business visiting" visa and QUICKLY becoming a U.S. "citizen", that have drugged and brainwashed Li Li to behave this way to torture me and the two daughters, for THE AES HUMANSCUMS' EVIL PURPOSE ONTO THIS FAMILY: THE DESTROY! 

Ask, what the AES HUMANSCUMS have said and done, to destroy this family, and what the AES HUMANSCUMS have claimed to have said or done to uphold this family.

The Facebook live broadcast weblink is here:

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