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送交者: 王利民 2022年09月29日21:31:31 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Limin Wang

136-09 59th Ave

Ground Floor Rear Apartment

Flushing, NY 11355


Sept. 28 2022, Wednesday,


NO MAN'S LAND --- MY REAL LIFE STORY (still in hasty drafting, to be finished by Sept. 30)


NYcourts, Queens County Civil Court Housing Part, Judge Enedina Pilar Sanchez, Court Clerks, Landlords and your attorney, and whomever it may concern,


I have received two almost exactly the same mails from


The City of New York

Office of Central Processing

P.O. Box 02-9121

Brooklyn GPO

271 Cadman Plaza East

Brooklyn, NY 11202


respectively on August 13, and September 26, 2022. These two mails were post-mark dated as AUG 10 2022 and SEP 22 2022 and inside-letter dated as 08/05/2022 and 09/16/2022, respectively. The letters headline with "You Owe Back Rent", and instruct to apply for Emergency Rental Assistance to possibly avoid "the loss of your apartment and Section 8 voucher". My "wife" Li Li was sent the same letter directly to her received on Sept. 26, 2022, but she ONCE AGAIN neglects even her mails.


I am NOT so sure whether these two mails are really from NYC governmental agency and meant to really help me. Because, if taken into this writing ONLY the LT-304213/21-QU eviction case, the previous Judge Kimon C. Thermos verbally referred Adult Protective Services onto Li Li, and probably onto me too, back since the 2nd (virtual) hearing on Oct. 28, 2021, but the APS rendered by Ms. Antoinette Menzies with her (surprising) visits on Nov. 03, 2021, Dec. 03, 2021, and Jan. 21, 2022 (this appointment-set time, with "Psychiatrist" David Klein) never brought any real help at all, nonetheless, verbal insinuations and assaults. The visits by "Ms. Menzies" in late July 2022 were clearly writtenly stated by herself that I Limin Wang SELF-REFERRED for "Adult Protective Services", and I was this late only given a torn slip of handwritten note from her about Homebase "Catholic Charities" to apply for a voucher and my phone calls to Homebase CC NEVER got any call-back, leaving along about application for a "Section 8 Voucher". On Sept. 02, 2022, an arm was stretched across the iron gate at this to-be-evicted place to insert the two folded printouts there, one by one. My security camera was NOT able to see the deliverer's face, because the deliverer apparently deliberately avoided the camera and did not mean to see me or Li Li. Although the two-pages in each staple state to be originated from NYC Human Resources Administration Department of Social Services Adult Protective Services and instruct to go to Court Room 209 to file for Order to Show Cause to possibly delay (stay) the eviction, the handwritten case # was even written WRONGLY as LT-30421/21 on both copies, and my calls to the handwritten contact information for caseworker "Evelyne Simon" at 929-252-3970 was almost never answered and those to Supervisor "Adewale Ogunleye" at 929-252-3964 was never answered except back on Nov. 15, 2021 during my call about Li Li's ongoing PSYCHOSES episode but ODDLY the American Evil System's premeditated and coordinated ASSAULTS to this family sending two females that day from the perversely fabricated and distorted "child neglect" case (Docket # NN-09918-21) about my younger daughter Alexandria Wang being seduced and abducted by the AES while at 17-and-a-half-yrs-old. The “Evelyne Simon” or “Adewale Ogunleye” was NEVER reachable by my phone calls on their CLAIMED “next visit” on Sept. 06, 2022, and of course “Evelyne Simon” or whoever from “APS” NEVER showed up to this building. On the Sept. 22, 2022 in-court in-person hearing, even though the COURT CLERK lady would SELECTIVELY POMPOUSLY read out the CLAIMS OF VISITED AND TO-BE-VISITED VISITS, THE SYSTEM’S PERSONNEL CAN NOT DISTORT THE FACTS BUT THE GOVERNMENT’S “RECORDS”. HOW AMERICAN SHEER EVIL SUCH “ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES” PERSONNEL ARE WHEN THEIR LETTER FROM APS QUEENS ASSIGNED CASEWORKER “EVELYNE SIMON” AND SUPERVISOR NOW-CHANGED-TO “IGNACIO LIVENT” RECEIVED BY ME ON TODAY 09/28/2022 STATES I AM INELIGIBLE FOR THEIR “APS” BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING DETERMINATION: We are unable to locate you.  Although the Housing Court, no matter under the presidency of Judge KCT or EPS, has NEVER allowed any (real) chance to discuss or examine or investigate the SIXTEEN CATEGORIES of RENTAL ISSUES I initially brought up in my WRITING of “No Man’s Land” before the Jan. 13, 2022 "virtual hearing", and the Trial proceeding on Apr. 05, 2022 and the hearing about Order to Show Cause on Sept. 22, 2022 have SPOKEN via the landlord side and the Judge that this EVICTION case is NOT about MONEY, and have NEVER informed me about any other (REAL) ways to apply for American governmental protection including “APS”, and have NEVER stated that I or my family have EVER been awarded a "Section 8 voucher". The landlord side's written petitions available to me have stated OBVIOUS LIES, even lied the landlord’s HANDWRITTEN AND SIGNED LEASE as VERBAL MONTH-BY-MONTH one, so has the 3-pages Decision & Order of Eviction emailed to me on July 05, 2022. For example, I clearly said on the April 05, 2022 “Trial” that I believe that landlord Maurice Shiau has meticulous detailed tracking of his properties, so he certainly knows and has his copy of the written and signed lease, because the refrigerator in my apartment was broken down in late August, 2020, and I called Mr. M. Shiau on the night of Aug. 24, 2020, but he avoided my multiple calls on Aug. 25 until that night, and he came over on Aug. 26 and tested the refrigerator was surely not cooling and told me a replacement would come. But, he claimed he had ordered from P.C. Richard & Son on Aug. 26, and the order was a BACK-ORDER, and the COVID-19 “pandemic” slowed everything down. He refused to buy an alternative from the nearby Home Depot. I had to buy a cheap small refrigerator from Home Depot and the ONLY ONE AVAILABLE at the cheap price was SEVERLY DAMAGED on its door. It’s IMPOSSIBLE for me to cause that big dent. The landlord’s refrigerator came in on Sept. 04, 2020 from two Amigos, and Mr. M. Shiau came over to look at it later that day, and HE THEN SHOWED ME A SMALL PIECE OF PAPER WITH HANDWRITTEN DATE OF THE PREVIOUS REFRIGERATOR WAS BOUGHT ON A SPECIFIC DATE (THE 6TH?) OF AUGUST 2011. On Dec. 02, 2021 “virtual hearing”, landlord Jyne Shiau made vicious claims that she and her son (very strong build) had delivered a new refrigerator to the Chu family renting the ACTUAL 2nd floor and the Chu family allegedly claimed to the Shiau’s that police and whatever other people, presumably “APS”, came but we would not open the door and so THOSE PEOPLE went to the 2nd and 3rd floors! The iron gate is ALMOST ALWAYS locked unless the 2nd floor old thug man often DELIBERATELY KEPT IT UNLOCKED, and I have my security camera in the hallway in recent years. DURING landlord Jyne Shiau’s such a STAGED EPISODE of LIES to the “court”, the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM cut my phone attendance OFF! The 3-pages Decision & Order signed by Judge Enedina Pilar Sanchez distorts the refrigerator anecdotes as “He (my note: Limin Wang) testified that the petitioners have knowledge of the lease because in August 2020 the lease was “broken down” and he requested a new lease. That is when the petitioners started avoiding Mr. Wang.” All the other parties during the in-person Court Proceedings have staged walk-outs, bogus swearing of "truth", and selective reading-out of the Sept.02, 2022 two-pages APS notice, because THEY ARE EMBODYING THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM AND PROTECTED BY THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM.


I had followed the first mail to apply for NYC DSS HRA help online, but when I read that the government will ask for reimbursement from me for the ARREAR RENT, I started to question whether this is a SYSTEMATIC FRAUD ON THE ALREADY PERSECUTED VICTIM, so I stopped before completing. I have been premeditatedly and coordinatedly MURDER-ATTEMPTED by HUMANSCUMS of THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM first at the slavey workplace(s) under the REAL HEADQUARTERS EMPLOYER NAMED AS “KSI AUTO PARTS” and then at some "MEDICAL CLINICS" in New York City, and the AES has only paid the Social Security Disability benefit at currently only $923/month, how may I be willing or able to pay back the ASSISTANCE to the government?


Also, by the description as of Sept. 29, 2022, on governmental website https://otda.ny.gov/programs/emergency-rental-assistance/ about ERA, it states:

“Applications from subsidized housing tenants whose rent is limited to a certain percentage of income (including public housing, section 8 and FHEPS) are not currently able to be paid. State law requires that these applications be paid after all other eligible applicants have been reviewed and paid. Therefore, at this time, none of the subsidized housing applications can be paid regardless of the date their application was submitted.”  


IF the NYC government has really RECENTLY HAPPILY-SECRETLY granted me and my family of a "Section 8 voucher", and IF my application for Emergency Rental Assistance to the ARREAR RENT prior to the invisible “voucher” would allow me and my family to STAY HERE at 136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment until I am able to find a liveable and affordable place or COUNTRY to STAY AND LIVE, I will then apply for ERA. Otherwise, I tend to believe it’s only another sham to drain my energy for only madness. American Evil System's HUMANSCUMS are on the direction to FABRICATE AND FORCE PSYCHIATRIC ISSUES ONTO ME AND THEN JAIL ME INTO PSYCHIATRIC FACILITY AND MURDER ME THERE UNDER ANOTHER SYSTEMATIC LIE OF "MEDICAL ISSUE" OR "SUICIDE"! The AES cops from Precinct 109, paramedics, and Queens General Hospital have attempted such a SOPHITICATED PROFESSIONAL murder on August 24 - 25, 2022 while I was calling 911 for PSYCHIATRIC VISIT ONLY, NO COPS, to Li Li who was HYSTERICALLY RANTING on the front yard on August 24, 2022.


I NEVER want to harm myself, leaving alone suicide! The attached images of the two cats living with me and my family are so PSYCHIATRICALLY HELPFUL to the whole family of FOUR MEMBERS. These two cats may come to cuddle on me while I rest supine on bed. The injuries I have sustained force me to have at least one or two lying-down rests every day. The injuries have caused constant headache; drowsiness; dizziness; whole head and neck numbness; occasionally grinding-or-gliding friction noise heard when rotating head; sporadic neck pain more on the left half; hearing loss; sound localization loss; vision problems particularly eye pressure, the new need to take my near-sight glasses off to see close items clear, very slow re-adjusting vision focus; smell loss; weird feeling kind of sour and pain on tongue broader and broader from the front to the back; throat slight swelling feeling; heart pain; whole front chest pain; hyperventilation exacerbated even by just going to rest supine on bed or a short unloaded walk; penis erection difficulty; bodily ache popping up here or there all over the body for varying length of time; sporadic fatigue; stages of urinary slight leaking or sudden urgency; stages of frequent bowel movement; etc. Even sitting long can drive my headache and other symptoms on head and neck as well as backpain EXTREMELY UNBEARABLE. Lifting heavy weight on hands or holding heavy weight on shoulders at upright posture or crouching down or doing push-ups will always aggravate the symptoms all over the body. What I reveal here is not all the physical symptoms I suffer. The neuropsychological impairment and psychiatric suffering are significant too. For example, sometimes, while I hear the loud TV voice clearly, my listening comprehension is not there, although I try to focus attention and understand the supposedly COMMON ENGLISH. I become very irritable and thus very vulnerable to EVIL’S SOPHISTICATED TORTURE AND MURDER SCHEMES. The images clearly show my RED face and a lot of WHITE HAIR already in my only 40s! Such a RED face happens ONLY AFTER the Jan. 16, 2018, fall from the AES-HUMANSCUMS-TAMPERED-WITH ladder. That 8-ft aluminum Louisville stepladder has its right metal bracelet disconnecting from the front rail and dangling on the rear one, BUT THE DISCONNECTED RIVET ON THE BRACELET AND THE HOLE ON THE FRONT RAIL ARE BOTH PERFECTLY INTACT WITHOUT ANY DEFORMATION OR EVEN A SCRATCH. My after-incident interpretation is THAT “FAULTY” STEPLADDER MUST BE DELIBERATELY ASSEMBLED SUCH TO FUNCTION AS A TRAP LADDER FOR THE WAREHOUSE HARD-LABORER JOB ROTATION ON JANUARY 15, 2018. The plastic pieces on the top hinge area may cover up some extra setups there. So, when I climbed up that ladder to the top to put away a new fender onto shelf K20-4 (top shelf), the ladder tilted to the right, and I then reached my left hand to grab a shelf trying to save myself from free falling, but the free falling body and the tight hand grip to the shelf caused the extreme head and neck hyperflexion and hyperextension while the free falling body was suddenly stopped by the hand grip. During the hyperflexion, there was a split-second of DEATH; during the hyperextension, I heard a loud banging which could be from bone fracture at the head-neck junction and from the forceful impact onto the shelf and grid. Then the left hand involuntarily lost gripping and my body resumed the free fall and landed upright against the hoods stored on the ground level. I was still holding the fender in the initial stage of the fall, but was INVOLUNTARILY losing it in the latter. My left wrist got apparent abrasion and quickly felt painful, and I immediately felt dazzled and staggered. During my fall, I reflexively left out a loud distress scream. The voice raucousness from the container unloading area died out, but NOBODY CAME OVER.  Within a minute or two, I staggered over only tens of feet and found the warehouse manager Mr. Benny Fang at the transfer-to-Connecticut-store spot right out of the office. Mr. Fang quickly went to the scene with me, and then a   



  and my white facial towels pick up the red color and can not be washed away even with detergent. That fall alone has caused split-second of TOTAL LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS, I.E., DEATH, during the extreme hyperflexion of head and neck, i.e., extreme whiplash. The “medical professionals” would NOT honestly diagnose and kindly treat me, instead, these AES HUMANSCUMS from the VERY BEGINNING, Dr. Martin B. Gillman suddenly sprayed metallic powder to my face on Feb. 15, 2018 and some SHINNING granules CLEARLY showed up in the X-ray images on my body and INSIDE MY RESPIRATORY SYSTEM; Dr. Yazan Rajai Jabaji suddenly and violently twisted my told-to-be-relaxed head and neck and elbow-crushed my back while I was resting prone on the “chiropractic bed” for the first-ever “chiropractice” on Feb. 17, 2018; Orthopedist “Dr. Benjamin Uh”,  associated with a GOOGLE-result image of the ACTUAL Dr. Benjamin Chu in Philadelphia area, would NOT include my NECK on his MRI referral sheet on the first visit on Feb. 16, 2018 but OPENLY LIED over the CRACKY PHONE VOICE during the EVENTUALLY-SHOWING-UP Jan. 25, 2021 “VIRTUAL HEARING” presided by immigrant blackman “Judge” “Lucky Enobakhare” of an INTENTIONAL INTENSE ACCENT; Jewish technician with a verbed name sounding like “Wiseman” ELECTRICALLY SHOCKED me while electrodes were placed on from my left forehead to my left neck to my left shoulder to my left arm to my left hand on Feb. 19, 2018; “Orthopaedist” “Mitchell Kaphan” always worn a surgical mask and seldomly spoke during my two or three times visits to him prescribed heavy dose of painkiller labelled as “Diclofenac Sodium” (75 mg/pill) with month after month’s refillings; Dr. Mehrdad Golzad and his office, often by unidentifiable or temporary “nurses” or “physician assistants” on the “medical records”, prescribed about a dozen of medications, some of which are PERMANENTLY HARMFUL or LETHAL. I tested these “medications” with the cats living in the community, and some quickly showed bleeding from nose, mouth, and eyes and even died miserably, and I felt the SAME EXTREME INTERNAL HEMORRHAGE. When I asked the newly-shown Korean nurse what’s the labelled as “gabapentin” for and she, just like the MG office always says about many other prescribed “medications”, said it’s for my headache. When I asked the pharmacy what’s “gabapentin” is usually for and it’s said for “flu”! Both New York Medical & Diagnostic Center and New York City Medical & Neurological Offices MANIPULATE on their referrals for MRI, and their MRI facility business-partners (Neighborhood Radiology, and MRI 3T Imaging [now googled to be newly named as CitiMed Comprehensive TBI Center 3T Imaging], respectively) would MANIPULATE the appointment date and time and the DATA/IMAGES. The “medical clinics” Then, the “workers’ compensation” “insurance” would be FINDABLE by the WC Board or EXISTENT to just schedule SHAM AND SHAME “independent medical examination” by “INSURANCE”-ACCOMPLICES as IME doctors like “Dr. Robert S. April” to professionally laundry off the injuries and sequelae and assault the victim with “intrinsic psychiatric issues”! Any one able to access the “medical records”, “decisions”, and my correspondences ALLOWED AND KEPT by NYS WCB about my case G2029240 should EXAMINE WHAT THE FUCK THESE HUMANSCUMS AS “MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS”, “Judges”, “Attorneys”, “Insurance”, “Government Employees” HAVE STATED AND DONE.  FROM CASE TO CASE, WHAT’S BEING EXPERIENCED BY ME IN THE NEW YORK STATE AND CITY IS THE PERVASIVE SYSTEMATIC SHEER EVIL MORE THAN THE PREVALENT SYSTEMATIC LETHAL CORRUPTION.


The image I took today shows the LUSH backyard, a big cat shelter I made for the wandering community cats, a grape vine canopy over it, a tall pear tree climbed by purple-bean vines dangled with well-grown purple beans, tall bamboos in the background, and a maple tree at the corner at the boundary of 136-09 with 136-07 and the newly built mansion at 58-33, 136th St. The maple tree was mysteriously showing all withered leaves to the 58-33 side. I still remember that those Chinese-guys cut one maple trunk half-way at the height of the fence's top bar so that if north wind blows hard, that sibling of the twin maples would fall onto the backyards of 136-09 and/or -07. Also, these "fortunate" ones pushed the STRAIGHT back fence to ARCH INTO 136-09, and their shed's gutter water goes from its back and washes the UNCEMENTED soil along the boundary from 136-09. I have told Mr. Maurice Shiau that year, probably 2018, and visited the scene with him then. 


I had been working DILIGENTLY for a good LIFE, LIVING, FAMILY. It's the American Evil System and its HUMANSCUMS that destroy me and my family. Please watch the two video clips I took today about Li Li's PSYCHOTIC EPISODES. The first video was recorded a little before 9 AM, and I was asking Li Li to sort out the daughters' clothes in a big basket for a SECOND round to keep only a very few pieces. Li Li would NOT do, instead, she wanted to watch TV! Somehow, Li Li seemed NOT WORRIED about the IMMINENT EVICTION of Oct. 03, 2022. Probably Li Li has been lying to me about EVERYTHING, including her said-dead elder sister ChunLing Li is actually still alive and living blocks away, or her niece Yao Liu is still living nearby and can accommodate her! The second video clip was taken soon after the lunch I made, and Li Li wanted to watch TV because she said she had NOTHING else to do and then she wanted to EAT some special food one hour after the lunch. Li Li's "good life" has basically become sleeping, lying, leaning, or sitting on the bed awake, watching TV, reading USELESS books including dictionaries page by page, writing her PSYCHOTIC "poems" and "proses" and "short FICTION stories" in Chinese or English, eating the best out of the family to her overweight while making or leaving often, not always, tiny amount for me and the children, washing clothes to dry in the backyard, etc, and of course, frequently starting up her unprovoked, spontaneous episodes of self-ranting, which would often ignite me and the younger daughter Alexandria into fury. The NEW Li Li almost always vehemently, or even hysterically rejects any intimacy with me the “husband”, but you check out what the PROSTITUTE LI LI claimed in the videos about her “fidelity”! Her argument would be I Limin Wang is NOT her husband. The NEW Li Li almost never has ANY NORMAL CONVERSATION with me on ANY NORMAL MATTERS. The NEW Li Li only wants and creates “DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” which the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM COACHES HER THE HOW! You honestly evaluate the NEW Li Li who has become this way since her twice desertions in 2014 seduced, coerced, aided, abetted, drugged, and brainwashed by the HUMANSCUMS of the American Evil System, including NYC cops, Homebase "Catholic Charities", Citibank, new landlords, and of course her elder sister ChunLing Li and niece Yao Liu and their "friends". 


I wish you have enough care of reading into a real case under the Liberty Statue.


Truly yours,


Limin Wang


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