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Defending My Enemy?
送交者: renqiulan 2024年02月24日16:13:23 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

In 1976 a neo-Nazi group from Chicago sought a license to march through a Jewish suburb (Skokie) but was roadblocked by a state court injunction.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) surprised the whole world by showing up in court and defending the First Amendment rights of American Nazis. The blowback from the public was immediate and ferocious.

In Chicago, the ACLU executive director, who happened to be Jewish, stood firm despite facing a huge membership loss and countless accusations from Jews and non-Jews.

The ACLU's perseverance paid off. Freedom of speech had a happy ending---or beginning.

The United States Supreme Court's 1977 decision was a win for the ACLU on free speech and assembly (National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, 432 U.S. 43).

Ironically, the Nazi agitators backed out of the Skokie march at the last minute, fearing that they would be hopelessly outnumbered by counter-protesters. Peace made a triumphant return.

In our democracy, if the First Amendment doesn't apply to all Americans, then we may not be able to prevent the government from denying free speech rights to some Americans. This could invite the specter of dictatorship.

That's why we have to protect both our civil rights and those of our opponents where the U.S. Constitution applies.

Author: renqiulan


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