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xpt: 让人民更有尊严还是要有尊严的人民?
送交者: xpt 2010年02月13日11:02:05 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

By xpt
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I did not read the entire speech by the Primer Wan, instead I saw many overly exuberant reactions from good Chinese ("让人民更有尊严"令人感奋!http://news.xinmin.cn/rollnews/2010/02/13/3655527.html). Yes, China is changing, in certain ways. People have food to eat, more colorful cloth on their back, and have bigger space to speak out more freely. But still by nature, China is still a country still tightly gripped by the age-old thinking, and lagged far behind in civility, culture, and ideology. Let me point out a few things in this short sentence made by the Primer Wan and cheered by billions: " 让人民更有尊严"

First is 尊严. In English 尊严 means dignity and respect. If you have dignity, you get respected for what you are and what you have.You do not have to be the same as everyone else, but your way is respected. Then you have dignity. I am not sure if Mr. Wan has the same meaning in his 尊严. From what I can gather, his 尊严 means more that people have more and better material life. How about the rights of thinking differently, the rights of freedom of speech, the rights of freedom of association, the rights of vote and rights of selection of their own ways of live,... Clearly, those are not on his mind. He is creating an euphoria for the Chinese people by feeding more to their stomach and pockets, and at the same time muffling their mouth and dulling their brain.

Second is 更. Using the word 更 means there was not sufficient 尊严 now and in the past. But we hardly hear anyone from the government acknowledge that Chinese people 少了尊严。 This is a usual tactic by this regime since 1949. They never admit their failure and mistake. Only thing they say is "更". Saying 更 could make Chinese people happy.  "See how great our country is. It is progressing and we will live 更好!" What they did not know is that they were beaten to the ground and tramped on by the government over and over, not the government said, "not you can get up 更高." But you are still on your knee!

The third is 让. It seems to Mr. Wan that 尊严 is not Chinese people's intrinsic, God-given right. It is a gift from Chinese government. You can only have it by "让". I felt a bit funny when reading the article "让人民更有尊严"令人感奋". Chinese people must be the best people on earth! When someone took what you have and then comes back saying "Let me give it back to you. Not the whole thing, but just a bit.", then Chinese people get happy, exuberant, and 令人感奋!

China is changing but far more needs to be done, not by the government but by the people.
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