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on the contrary
送交者: mean 2008月08月30日08:58:34 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: You speak as if a peace-loverYuehanmiao 於 2008-08-30 04:53:24
I did not speak as a peace-lover, merely a citizen who follows politics.

And correction: Bush did NOT start the war with "strong" support from the allies. Out of the Western countries, Britain, Spain and Italy were some of the few who answered the call, and even then their decisions were strongly condemned by their own populace. Despite all the petty quarrels here in Canada, at least its politicians weren't as stupid. As for the States back then, well, most of the congress were suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and were all war-mongering maniacs for quite a while. We all remember those days.

As the president of the most powerful nation in the world, Bush's challenge indeed carries lots of weight. And there is no excuse for any poor decisions made just because of how hard his job is. If he was ambitious enough to take the job, then he's got to take the responsibility. His decision could have meant peace, which did not happen; his decision could also have meant order, which also did not happen.

Well, hopefully the Americans won't elect another war-mongering president.
  as time being, you will experi - Yuehanmiao 08/30/08 (246)
    difference of opinion - mean 08/30/08 (242)
      some are right or wrong - Yuehanmiao 08/31/08 (221)
        sad  /無內容 - mean 08/31/08 (205)
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