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Good point-也說美國大選
送交者: a_Peter 2008月09月04日22:39:47 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: A fact on Obama voting recordxinmin 於 2008-09-04 09:25:21
\"As a state legislator in Illinois, he(Obama) voted \"present\" over 130 times, meaning neither for nor against the legislations being voted on. He was fence sitting that many times.\" --Good Point!

For this election, it is not so much about who is going to stop the war, who is going to let your richer.... It is all about the choice of the \"right\" person!

Indeed , those promises are exactly what we like to hear. However,how do you konw the one making the promises will keep the promises ?

Obama/Joe may say whatever to get him elected,but I am afriad no one knows what he really will do, once he get elected,because I can not say he is a man with priciple.

John/Sarah said many things I disagree, but ,to me,integrity is more important than issues.

\"人一生的果效都是從心發出的\". 如果我不能相信一個人的心裡誠實,我真的能安心把一個國家交給他嗎?

不要以為人嘴上說的就是他心裡想的,我們是否要查考一下他是否真的有PRINCIPLE可以持守他說的呢? 我們做過了錯誤的選擇, 我們已經在為我們的選擇付代價,我們是否需要學一個功課呢?

你若問我,我真的可以為John/Sarah 心裡的誠實打保票嗎? 我不能。 我只能說只能就我的感覺來說,我還可以相信John/Sarah 的故事,但我不能相信Obama/Joe in the \"Temple of Obama\".

我想很多人或許不會同意我的感覺,我也不一定對. 但是讓我們一起來到神的面前尋求,因為只有神他知道人的心. 讓我們為這個國家禱告,這是美國的一個轉折的時期. At this crucial moment, all I can say is that May God bless America. Let\'s turn ourself back to Him, who has been blessing this country for so many years, not forgeting who is the the source of the blessing!

Let\'s choose the one who is our best chance to lead the country back to God! because, without God, the curse from the evil in a man\'s heart is more than we can bear!

May God bless America!
    所以,人要回頭才有機會 - a_Peter 09/05/08 (247)
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