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送交者: adajo 2008月09月17日16:54:39 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 感谢各位的劝言,接着写。斯汀 于 2008-09-17 14:36:54
anyway, 准备的歌还是送给你,反正既称作Sting,总不会不喜欢听歌的~~

       by Ira F. Stanphill

一 我不知明日将如何,每时刻安然度过;
I don't know about tomorrow,I just live from day to day.

I don't borrow from it's sunshine,For it's skies may turn to gray.

I don't worry o'er the future,For I know what Jesus said,

And today I'll walk beside Him,For He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow,I don't seem to understand;

But I know Who holds tomorrow,And I know Who holds my hand.

二 我不知明日将如何,或遭遇贫苦饥饿;
I don't know about tomorrow,It may bring me poverty;

But the One Who feeds the sparrow,Is the One Who stands by me.

And the path that be my portion,May be through the flame or flood,

But His presence goes before me,And I'm covered with His blood.

Many things about tomorrow,I don't seem to understand;

But I know Who holds tomorrow,And I know Who holds my hand.

三 每一步越走越光明,像攀登黄金阶梯;
Every step is getting brighter as the golden stairs I climb.

Every burden's getting lighter; every cloud is silver-lined.

There the sun is always shining; there no tear will dim the eye.

At the ending of the rainbow where the mountains touch the sky.

Many things about tomorrow,I don't seem to understand;

But I know Who holds tomorrow,And I know Who holds my hand

这首圣诗的曲和词都是史丹斐(Ira F. Stanphill, 1914-1994)所作。 他是廿世纪著名的福音诗歌作家,共写六百首圣诗,如「十架有地方」(Room at the Cross for You),「小山上的居所」(Mansion over the Hilltop),「跟随我」(Follow Me)等都是现代流行的圣诗。

史丹斐生於新墨西哥州,父母都爱好音乐,热心教会圣乐事工。 他在十二岁在神召会决志奉献事主。 他学了一年钢琴,就能弹风琴,四弦琴,及拉手风琴。 十七岁时为教会的青年团契作了第一首诗歌。 他随同道家巡道,负责圣乐事工。 廿二岁开始讲道,先後在德州,宾州及佛州神召会牧会;他也是歌唱道家,足迹遍及美国及四十多国家。

一个蒙恩得救的基督徒,不能确保人生是坦途,甚至要面临人间的残酷。史丹斐的圣诗在半世纪内激励了千万人,但当年他却无法解脱。 他曾试图把自已切身的痛苦、心意及需要,放在 神前。 他的妻子移情别恋,携独子离他而去; 二人离婚后,他到处受人指责,流言蜚语,使他无辜受害,十分难堪,也有人认为他离婚的身份不配为 神工作,他默然无语,不为自已申辩。 他不愿毁婚誓,再三地宽恕他妻子,愿与她和好未果。

史丹斐年近五十时,在德州南部一大教会事奉,并执教於当地著名的音乐学校。 他在教会中与一位年轻爱主的姊妹相恋。 他知道自已不能再婚,劝她另择他人,自己则专心音乐事工。 但思念之情日深,许多次他想放弃事奉而再婚。 此时他前妻不检的行为已众所周知,大家对他深表同情和谅解,但他自己无法释怀。 有一日他在驾车途中,内心又大起挣扎,他为自己的不幸而悲哀,深陷沮丧绝望中,他哼曲感叹未来,倏忽感到 神与他步步同行,抵家后他即刻在钢琴上奏出「我知谁掌管明天」,心中遂得释放。 数月后,他前妻车祸丧生,他终于得与所爱的人,建立美满的新生活。


  Ira F. Stanphill还有一首歌--Mansion Over The Hilltop, Elvis演唱的版本如下:

Mansion Over The Hilltop
Words and music by Ira F. Stanphill

I'm satisfied with just a cottage below,
A little silver and a little gold;
But in that city where the ransomed will shine,
I want a gold one that's silver-lined.

I've got a mansion just over the hilltop,
In that bright land where we'll never grow old;
And someday yonder we will never more wander,
But walk the streets that are purest gold.
Tho' often tempted, tormented and tested
And, like the prophet, my pillow a stone,
And tho' I find here no permanent dwelling,
I know He'll give me a mansion my own.

I've got a mansion just over the hilltop,
In that bright land where we'll never grow old;
And someday yonder we will never more wander,
But walk the streets that are purest gold.
Don't think me poor or deserted or lonely,
I'm not discouraged, I'm heaven bound;
I'm just a pilgrim in search of a city,
I want a mansion, a harp and a crown.

I've got a mansion just over the hilltop,
In that bright land where we'll never grow old;
And someday yonder we will never more wander,
But walk the streets that are purest gold.

John 14:2,3

In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself;
that where I am, there ye may be also.


Hi Abraham,

I did some digging, and found this excerpt from a blog by Mike Baker (www.ourdailywalk.org)

"A great song we sing is “Mansion Over The Hilltop,” by Ira Stamphill. His inspiration for this story came from a preacher in Dallas, TX, by the name of Gene Martin. Here is his story.

A man of considerable means, facing imminent bankruptcy, took a driving trip through a rural part of the country. Here, one particular house caught his attention. It was badly in need of paint and repairs of every kind. Most of the windows had oil paper to replace the broken glass. Parts of the roof and shingles were missing. He wondered how the house was still standing. Out front, playing in the yard, was a young girl about 8 or 9, who was poorly dressed. The traveler felt an urge to stop and talk. During the conversation, he mentioned how sorry he was that the young lady had to live in such poor surroundings. The young girl replied, “Why, haven’t you heard? My daddy just inherited a fortune and he’s building us a mansion just over that hill over there. Don’t know when it will be done, but I won’t have to live in this house forever.”

Here is the first verse and chorus of that song.

I’m satisfied with just a cottage below,
A little silver and a little gold;
But in that city where the ransomed will shine,
I want a gold one that’s silver lined.

I’ve got a mansion just over the hilltop,
In that bright land where we’ll never grow old;
And some day yonder we will never more wander
But walk the streets that are purest gold.

Most of us will never live in a mansion on earth, but we are promised a wonderful home in heaven if we remain obedient to God’s will. Won’t it be wonderful there?"

God bless,
  我知主掌握明天 amen! - Yuehanmiao 09/18/08 (197)
    谢谢 - adajo 09/18/08 (166)
    谢谢 - adajo 09/18/08 (181)
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