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thank you sister
送交者: 1314 2008月09月20日11:22:18 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 前段時間,記得有個肥田柯思炫 於 2008-09-19 08:29:38
Yes. Let's follow Jesus. Not anyone else.

Based on my own experience, we have a tendancy to get arrogant and desired to be praised and even "worshipped". Imagine that God uses me and I have all the Spiritual power, such as speaking in tougue, getting people healed, and giving wonderful sermons, etc. I will definitely fall like the angel, and become a corrupted devil.

On the other hand, God is still using people to tell good news. His Spirit is actually doing things thru a particular person. Let's not discount His Spirit and the message.

God bless
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