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Government administration is n
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月09日10:36:52 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 十诫中第九诫:不可作假见证陷害人ardmore 于 2008-10-09 09:47:59
nothing to do with 基督教, okay?!

no matter who win the election,
the new president, as a secular spiritual leader in USA,
please people in USA,
so that
he could be re-elected.

as an individual,
everybody holds an opinion towards anything,
such as, abortion, definition concerning marriage,
how much government should influence ordinary people's
everyday life, tax, med-care, education, etc.,
president is not exceptional.

阿民念主义 is a biggest problem in church,
nothing to do with government,
反律法主义 is everybody's favorite
since everybody like 律法 to frame others not himself,
liberal ideas are harmful to everybody
although they may please people temporarily.

美国 paid a great price for Korean war and Vietman war,
but millions of ordinary people have been beneficial
from their sacrifice. Many no-war-peace lovers
condemned US to use A-bomb in Japan, but they
ignore the great benefit that millons of chinese were
possible to be survived. War is crucial, but,
sometime war makes thing much much less harmful,
two A-bombs were LIVING examples! Don't be fooled!
when somebody tells you there are no 大规模杀伤武器 in Iraq,
you conclude you are smart as a no-war-peace-lover,
when your 401K account shrinks,
you conclude Bush made so,
when saw Gore's movie,
you conclude global warming is man-made crisis,
when McCain said he would bail out bad mortgate,
you conclude finacial crisis is gone,
when Obama allows mother to decide baby's life,
you conclude baby is not human beings.....

I know you love peace,
me too,
I love peace,
I bet
President Bush loves peace even more than we do as he said,
even Saddam never said that he hated peace,

NO-war means PEACE????????!!!!!!!!!
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