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i still remember
送交者: mean 2008月10月09日17:30:54 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: ALL 人 反對 ALL 戰爭!Yuehanmiao 於 2008-10-09 08:12:39
the debates over the war on iraq when it was first started. most canadians opposed it as we didn't buy the americans' excuses for the war. we were not unreasonable in this matter, as was proven in the case of afghanistan, where we remain one of america's most staunch allies. even then it looked too much like a big scared bully ready to take out his misery on anyone who hated him.

the debate at the same website continued on and off over months and then years, which i visited but occasionally. i was amazed at how the excuses for the war shifted over time. at first there was the preemptive strike argument, the WMD argument, the terrorist argument, over time those dropped off and we started seeing the tyranny argument, the humanitarianism argument... by the same couple of individuals no less.

the truth on the subject matter is, their support for the war on iraq was never about right vs. wrong, or good vs. bad, it's always been about one's pride. pride for one's country (I'm a patriot therefore I support the war), pride for one's religion (bush is a christian therefore I support the war), pride for one's politics (I like bush therefore I support the war), pride for oneself (I supported the war therefore I still support the war)... so long as one's pride was intact, it didn't really matter to them what the truth is, who suffered, and whether it was worth it.

that's why I call it, another triumph of satan.
    You are right on this - Yuehanmiao 10/10/08 (267)
      說白了,就是撒謊,conservative都是謊言家 - tda 10/10/08 (164)
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