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jews are as ready as anyone
送交者: mean 2008月10月10日09:40:31 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Yes, one Way to be savedYuehanmiao 于 2008-10-10 09:14:50
just as the first christians were jews by race, just as there are still massianic jews around, just as God intended the gospel for the jews as he intended it for everyone else. the divide between christianity and judaism will not narrow, jewish blasphemy against Christ will not cease. and regardless of the prophesy that jews will eventually come around, the jews of this day and age are condemned to hell. and in hell they shall suffer, if we continue to do nothing.

once again, jews don't need protection, they need the gospel. the only one who favors politics/economics over the gospel is satan, as well attested by history. satan has misled the christians through antisemitism long enough, he is now misleading the christians through the path of "prosemitism". deluded christians ought to wake up somehow and do God's work, instead of doing satan's work.
  human beeing can figure out - Yuehanmiao 10/10/08 (320)
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