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all liberal ideas
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月10日10:23:35 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: come onmean 于 2008-10-10 09:52:09
are resulted from the ignorance of GOD!
Liberals don't care because they either strongly believe THERE IS NO GOD
or twist GOD's warning.
Conservatives, acknowledging their limitation as a human beings,
dare not do many things,
after all,
God will judge each and everybody by his what (?????)
-----------------------------------------------------DEEDS!, okay?!
because only God know people's heart (the real motivation),
God will definitely forgave you, in case you try to save brother miao's life
by feeding him As2O3 to kill him, but you must pay the price
in case you feed brother miao delicious dumbling in
order to kill him from ever-eating.

'the special status of the jews as the Chosen has long been lost'
who told you that?

'a liberal christian, so long as he adheres to the apostle's creed, is saved'
in another words, as long as a person adheres to the apostle's creed,
he is free to do anything such as kill baby in mother's womb and re-define
marriage? let's read Roman again!
  your political zeal - mean 10/10/08 (277)
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