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On this world, nothing new!
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月16日13:09:44 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: this conversationmean 于 2008-10-16 12:48:02
what happened yesterday somehow happens today and will be happening tomorrow,
it is universal phenomenon.

LIBERALs are not new either,
everybody is a LIBERAL by birth, since nobody is willing to be
shaped or framed. To be Conservative ONE must learn first,
but to be LIBERAL is a default status, I am a liberal even till
now on many many issues, but I am willing to learn the right
conservative opinions, such as, pro-life and sacred marriage,
I will never buy any new cloth for my LIBERAL ideas,
liberal is liberal, no matter how different the cloth is.

By the way, I mentioned many time, once more today,
to be a slave is much much much more happy than to be a prisoner,
if you have not see this point,
watch a movie titled GONE WITH WIND
walk on main street in Pittsburg.
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