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I try to be everybody's
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月16日13:52:44 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Fox News 看多了綜合症xiangpu 於 2008-10-16 13:18:31
I never plan to 與那些保守派 or anybody 為伍,
I embrace conservative opinions.

What “Hope”奧巴馬 can provide?!

佩林 is product of this LIBERAL era,
american have been yelling for a female top leader,
super liberal Hillary did not get chance,
McCain met american's need, that's it,
nothing more nothing less. as time being
she has been learning to be conservative,
it is good direction, if McCain win this election,
she can be maturing 4 or 8 years,
she can also get the job (president) later,
it is not a hard job in my opinion,
although one can willingly take a lot pressure.
American have been yelling, here you go 佩林,
that is it! Speaking of woman's voting right ,
before, it was really no need, one family one
representative, that was the idea, LIBERALs
couldn't understand this, which really surprised me a lot!

I don't care who win, the same to me, I just need a pay check
to buy bread for my family, but conservative opinions should be promoted,
this is my point! I don't like war either,
I just cannot tolerate those nonsense talks, such as,
Iraq war for gas, peace means no war, this is my point.

By the way,
my understanding concerning what 亞伯拉罕 did for 所多瑪
is much simpler than yours,
亞伯拉罕 cared Lot ONLY , not other 所多瑪居民,
maybe his father told him before sleeping
that 亞伯拉罕 you MUST swear to take good care of Lot
all your life for the sake of me and for the sake of your brother,
I don't think 亞伯拉罕 had mercy for 所多瑪居民,
one can say Lou2 cao3 da3 tu4 zi.
  啊!明白了,亞伯拉罕原來更虛偽 - xiangpu 10/16/08 (279)
    xiangpu姐妹,我明白你的意思, - Yuehanmiao 10/17/08 (216)
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