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she has to do two jobs here...
送交者: wjbh 2008月06月27日04:37:30 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 两年前我问过这里一位中餐馆侍者,她们的待遇是思齐 于 2008-06-26 22:52:50
she works as a housekeeper from morning to afternoon three o'clock in a local hotel.
Then if the Thai restaurant needs help ,they will call her to help from 3:00...till
evening depends on how busy of the restaurant. Last night she left earlier,then
she really came to me and talked more.I have her cell phone number and email address.
I think she needs some help. Anyway, i don't know whethere I can see her today
or not.i will try to keep in touch with her.
she has a roommate also from china. The Thai offers her meal while she works,she kept food to share with her roomate. I don't have any idea whether they cook in the Landlord's apartment or not(I fortgot to ask).do they need cooking pan and pot>>>?
All I know is the program has some sort of problem and didn't give them about
two or three weeks work and they couldn't pay their rent.That's how they ride bike
along the route and seeked any chance to get the second job....

Not easy for a girl in the third year of college!!!!
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