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送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月20日06:34:28 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 神的军队在动员39caleb 于 2008-10-19 13:10:55
is nothing but a chess in this political game
in this particular ERA, when americans inspired
by SSSS has been YELLing loudly for a female top leader.

If McCain wins the election, 裴林州长 contributes a little bit
for her conservative opinions,
If McCain loses the election, nothing surprising,
usually all LIBERAL republican nominees lose, while,
Democratic nominee who speaks church-goer-language

Unless anything miraculous happens before Nov. 4,
Obama will win the election, nothing different to
ordinary people's everyday life!!!

Always remember: the winner is God's chosen one!!
for what purpose?
we could not be able to know as long as we are still on earth!
  不是属灵先知,就是属灵不可知 - hebai 10/20/08 (311)
    谁会当选:上帝根本没有给任何人任何明示 - Yuehanmiao 10/20/08 (331)
      您是典型的属灵不可知论者 - hebai 10/20/08 (291)
        Another good point - Yuehanmiao 10/20/08 (204)
        属灵 可知论者 - Yuehanmiao 10/20/08 (194)
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