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(本一) & (本二) are not REAL
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月20日10:29:46 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 福音兩本無句 於 2008-10-18 19:50:53
the real situation:

兩個乞丐 are enjoyably singing and dancing on their
routine 路 where 散發着死亡腐朽的臭氣.

The Father, who decided to adopt one as His son,
has been yelling as such:
'stop and U-turn, otherwise, too late', both of them heard,
they not only never listen but laugh at this Father,
go ahead enjoy their life.

Finally 兩個乞丐終於精疲力竭地倒在路邊的水溝里,

兩個乞丐, again, not only never listen but laugh at whoever told them so,
let it go.

Finally the Father has to 親手掰開 His would-be-adopted Son 的口,把水到進去。


Since then, the 活過來的乞丐 always respects and fears his Father,
always say: thank you, Father, I never deserve your love,
if you did not save me, I must die as my best friend.
  Revelation 22:17 - 無句 10/20/08 (351)
    以弗所書 2:1 - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (221)
      why 他 叫 你們 (not all)活過來? - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (224)
    Your blind area: - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (372)
      False accusation - 無句 10/21/08 (303)
        我是如何得救的 - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (283)
          另類八股 - 無句 10/21/08 (219)
            I don't think he has any idea - mean 10/22/08 (170)
            福音 is 福音 - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (189)
        如果你不願意,神不會強迫你接受他的救恩。 - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (237)
          信主,在某種程度上是一種順服,交託的過程, - any_one 10/21/08 (185)
            credit - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (189)
      一點反對意見 - any_one 10/21/08 (221)
        悔改 is a result of 神的 幫Zhu4 - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (220)
          this is very simple, i agree - any_one 10/21/08 (166)
            we have been saturated - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (152)
            Before all these happened - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (214)
        correction: 悔改 是信的一個不可少的開始  /無內容 - any_one 10/21/08 (186)
      Good example: M.L. King, jr - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (158)
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