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送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月21日06:40:29 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Revelation 22:17无句 于 2008-10-20 17:32:13
if one told you, as Bible revealed, God planed and completed and accomplished
your salvation, you will REASON this as 神 强迫 你 接受 他的 救恩,

No, not at all!

God did all things to make you “愿意”, not because
you figured out that SALVATION IS GOOD.

We, you or I or he, SAW the same phenomenon:
one day we somehow “愿意”接受他的救恩,
it is 100% true,
this is the result, not the reason,
we saw the same phenomenon!

The difference between us, however, is that:
“愿意” is originated from you
“愿意” is originated from God, that is, God did everything to make us “愿意”.

Bible clearly told us that“愿意” is originated from God,
this is sound doctrine established by saints during the past
2,000 years.

The argue is:
If man has the ability to figure out whether “愿意”接受他的救恩,
man should have credit no matter how little it is,
but Bible clearly taught us MAN_HAS_NO_CONTRIBUTION AT ALL on his SALVATION.

Liberal doctrines are all resulted from this POINT:
man has the ability to figure out whether “愿意”接受他的救恩.

they will argue man really need a REDEEMER,
if not,
who Jesus is,
what purpose did he come, a good example? role model?
so on and so forth,
after all,
man just need LOVE,
love here love there,
love animal
love nature mother
  False accusation - 无句 10/21/08 (303)
    我是如何得救的 - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (283)
      另类八股 - 无句 10/21/08 (219)
        I don't think he has any idea - mean 10/22/08 (170)
        福音 is 福音 - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (189)
    如果你不愿意,神不会强迫你接受他的救恩。 - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (237)
      信主,在某种程度上是一种顺服,交托的过程, - any_one 10/21/08 (185)
        credit - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (189)
  一点反对意见 - any_one 10/21/08 (221)
    悔改 is a result of 神的 帮Zhu4 - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (220)
      this is very simple, i agree - any_one 10/21/08 (166)
        we have been saturated - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (152)
        Before all these happened - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (214)
    correction: 悔改 是信的一个不可少的开始  /无内容 - any_one 10/21/08 (186)
  Good example: M.L. King, jr - Yuehanmiao 10/21/08 (158)
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