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if you recorded your song
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月22日12:31:46 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 谢谢你的问题!海兰兰 于 2008-10-22 11:45:23
I bet it is not difficult to find somebody write down 曲 so that
these songs could be using in church like Xiao Min sister's JiaNan ShiGe.

My question is whether you are willing to promote these songs,
if yes, I can do my best to find this sister I mentioned,
maybe (I am not sure) she can help you to start.
I briefly met her when I was at Indiana University and
saw she made a new song by herself for a friend
(who is also a sister in Christ and a professional singer)
in our fellowship. Although I have not seen her for more than
12 years, a family in our church knew where she is, in fact,
they are very good friends since this sister in Christ lived with
this family when she studied at Cleveland institute of music.
Just a thought. Maybe you can also contact with music ministry
such as, HongYun or TianYun. In short, I strongly
encourage you to promote these songs, maybe some of them
could be welcome in church.

This is an era, people desperately need feeling,
we, christians, too. Nice songs not only can give us
feelings but also could be a good way to teach sound doctrines.

Music in church is as important as sermon.
many churches ignore the importance of music
or misunderstand it into a product of feeling ONLY.


I pray that some of the songs you wrote or you are going to write
could be welcome and circulated in church, glory to Him!
  Yes , I am willing to - 海兰兰 10/22/08 (233)
    would you please - Yuehanmiao 10/23/08 (218)
      My BLOG address - 海兰兰 10/23/08 (209)
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