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I am not sure of our fellow
送交者: 風影 2008月10月23日10:13:43 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 做個調查, 在美國的基督徒你們都準備選誰做總統呢?lifi 於 2008-10-22 06:46:25
brothers n sisters in U.S. whether to choose Sen. Obama or Sen. McCain (the voters are having their 100% "sovereignty" and privilege in their choice, they are the Boss now)

However, now those extremists in Middle East seems welcome more of an U.S. President whose party is not controlling the congress. This is logically correct because for a President whose party also controlling the congress and juridical system, he would be more aggressive to rage war to those who are against U.S.

Given the current supper high risk economic situation, I am still of the opinion that "balance of power" among the two great parties leading to stable and prudence are of great value and crucial.
  without "balancing of power" - 風影 10/23/08 (320)
      經濟危機當然也不主要是布什弟兄的錯 - 風影 10/25/08 (251)
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