结论:圣经中启示的 救赎真理 是神的奥秘 |
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月24日08:21:21 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 基督救赎的范围 由 无句 于 2008-10-23 19:40:03 |
acknowledge that we, human beings, can never completely comprehend as long as we are on earth. Thus, stop 争执! (embrace 救赎100% from God and 100% because we believed) stop trying to explain anything crystal-clear into something puzzling! As you, dear brother, did: 1. 基督的死偿付了全人类的罪 but made MATH is not applicable (提供和接受became两回事) Total= Jesus paid Total + 拒绝 的 人paid, is it possible, Yes, it is possible, if He wish, MATH (or any rule He created)is nothing, but not likely, because no need. 2.无限救赎论则承认救赎的范围既是有限的,也是无限的 funny statement, isn't it?! 3.当逾越节的羔羊被杀的时候,他们的罪已经被遮盖了。 但是,如果他们不将血涂在门楣上,他们仍将被天使击杀。 他们因此而付了第二次代价吗? anything true here? anything comparable to 这些人在火湖...一罪二罚?! first of all, I don't think Bible recorded any 以色列人 不将血涂在门楣上, if so, how dare you are to imagine anything never happened to support your point, secondly, the whole story 逾越节的羔羊的血 and 将血涂在门楣上 and 被天使击杀 DIRECTLY pointed (never equal)to Jesus' 代赎, Holy Spirit's dwelling (sign) and final judgment. Practically there is no 实际的困难 if we just say what we know and what we are sure, The fact: 1.基督 为所有的人代死 is debatable and not conclusive 2.基督 为选民 代死 is not debatable but conclusive and crystal-clear why we cannot, based on Roman 1 and Gen.2:17, tell our beloved ones THERE IS A BAD NEWS: human being is under God's WRATH and is going to HELL directly fortunately THERE IS A GOOD NEWS: based on John 3:16, if this person ask :' if I am not chosen by God, it is possible that 基督的代死 is nothing to do with me' we can HONESTLY answer:'how to know if any individual is God's chosen one, we have an easy way to know : who accepts Jesus' salvation is God's chosen one and who refuses Jesus' salvation is not' see, we can spread the GOOD NEWS without using the-possible-white-lie! we are just human beings who are very very limited, say what we are sure, do what we can, never feel guilt about these! |
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