Amen!基督耶穌降世,為要拯救罪人。Amen! |
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月26日14:35:52 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話 |
回 答: 阿門! 由 無句 於 2008-10-26 13:37:38 |
基督耶穌said Himself
I come to 救 罪人, not save righteous man, those who are sick need a DOCTOR... truly truly I believe 基督耶穌降世,為要拯救罪人。 Those who are not saved are those who don't know they are 罪人。 how it is possible to know one is a 罪人 who needs God's salvation God made him to be alive again not man figure it out by himself after all again it is up to God or up to man? so God version or man version? CRYSTAL CLEAR let's stop argue what we can never agree each other and do everything together to show our faith |
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