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多點良心, 少點宗教熱情 means
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月11月04日13:23:33 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 希望你多點良心,少點宗教熱情xiangpu 於 2008-11-04 12:45:54
no war??!!

良心 means willing-to-embrace-anything-God-put-in-his-heart,

Everybody who dirty-mouth President Bush for no reason but
his anti-terrorist war, to myself, I don't know it is right or wrong
to start anti-terrorist war, all I know is that USA is safer than 8 years ago
although not safe yet.

For economy, US president can do a little, all he can do is to regulate TAX
a little bit, lower tax is good from the long-term point of view,
because those rich guy will use extra money to re-invest to create more
jobs, over all it is good, higher tax is good from the short point of view
because president can create more program to make him look better and
easier to be re-elected. Wealth re-distribution never last long time,
USSR and China made expensive experiments with millions of lives.
Sounds great, but, never works, you guys, no-war-peace-lovers, should have a clue
as chinese from mainland!

These are all common sense, nothing to do with 宗教熱情.
  完全同意你說的。你們州很關鍵啊。 /無內容 - 知音 11/04/08 (189)
    long time no see  /無內容 - xiahong 11/04/08 (190)
      哄哄好。樓上那位神叨叨的,你還真愛搭理TA。  /無內容 - 知音 11/04/08 (194)
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