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very good, you are convinced
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月11月11日12:58:00 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: huh?mean 于 2008-11-11 09:28:17

please don't forget GENERAL Powell Collin's trip to UN
please don't forget those commanders'talking in front of Senetors
Please don't forget those sodiers' attitude

there is no such thing as a good war, but there can be wars fought for right reasons. and even wars that are fought for the right reasons can be conducted in the wrong ways.

iraq war was a war fought for the wrong reasons and conducted in the wrong way. you cannot deny that there is no WMD when america entered the country, you cannot deny that islamic extremists had no role in iraq prior to the second iraq war, you cannot deny that america screwed up when american troops took over baghdad, you cannot deny that bush has essentially made a mess in iraq and now the whole country has to wipe his butt for him.

and if you are so enthusiastic about taking out tyrants, america should have taken saddam out back when he was fighting iran in the 80s, since that was when his tyranny domestically was at its worst. but no, america supported him, under a republican government no less.

like i said, hypocrites.

but then, you've always only seen what you want to see. why should you be convinced? this has nothing to do with feelings, this has everything to do with your and your pride.
  don't make me laugh - mean 11/11/08 (196)
    oh shall I add - mean 11/11/08 (216)
      If I were generalPowell Collin - Yuehanmiao 11/12/08 (133)
      那一点是很重要的,我来美国才真正体会到媒体的喉舌功能的  /无内容 - adajo 11/11/08 (147)
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