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pls find the verses about
送交者: mean 2008月11月21日18:58:37 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 神没有应许喜乐,因为有许多基督徒不喜乐caleb 于 2008-11-21 11:22:59
promise about physical healing from disease, like these verses about joy:
actual words from Christ Himself.

if you are in Christ, you shall have joy and peace; but where does it say in the bible, that if you are in Christ, you shall have physical healing? if it did, Paul would be the first to prove such promises defunct. where in the bible does it say: if you have faith in the healers, you will be healed? where in the bible does it say: if you don't have faith, you won't be healed?

yet this is what the modern healers tell, or at least imply to their followers. in fact, what's the premises of their so-called revivals? physical healing. why do so many people join their so-called revival? physical healing. how do they get so famous and so controversial? physical healing.

you can lie to yourselves all you want. the fact doesn't change. they built their fame on physical healing. and the plenty of followers follow them because of physical healing. it doesn't matter if Christ is left out or not. the main focus has always been on physical healing, Christ is only a side dish for them.
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