The problem for many of you |
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月11月25日06:29:59 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 大卫早就给了很好的示范 由 caleb 于 2008-11-25 06:08:40 |
is that YOU guys never stop at the POINT where King David stood,
instead, you go a little further. if you believe and preach: let's pray desperately to ask His mercy and grace for 医治 one way or another, let's patiently wait up His time (the latest time would be Jesus' second come), let's accept whatever results and praise Lord for them, nobody would say anything against you! However, you believe and preach: God is willing to heal you, all depends on your FAITH, if your FAITH is big enough, you would see the miracle, you haven't seen the miracle yet, please check your faith and righteousness, God is willing to heal you, God is willing to heal you,God is willing to heal you, ............... Your foundation---God is willing to heal you--- is REAL, TRUE, or IMAGINARY, The trick is here. |
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2007: | LORD'S DAY 47 | |
2007: | Lord’s Day 47 解说 | |
2004: | 陷入绝境的时候,我更需要拯救 | |
2004: | 王永盛 | |
2003: | 调换两个段落:深秋的呻吟 | |
2003: | ZT 上帝掷骰子吗——量子物理史话(1.4) | |